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gen. brokenly; fitfully; interruptedly; erratically; by spurts; by fits and starts
mat. in discontinuous manner
| перемещающаяся
metr. migrate
| дифракционная
fís. diffractive
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прерывистый adj.acentos
gen. broken (of a line, - - -); faltering; fitful; discrete; intermissive; pulsed; interrupted; irregular (ANG); sporadic (Alexander Demidov); ragged (крик, стон и т. п. Pickman); choppy (Audio and vIdeo playback is choppy and slow. VLZ_58); intermittent; discontinuous
Gruzovik noncontiguous
brit. spotty (напр., о мобильной связи или Интренете ad_notam)
cardiol. stuttering (о режиме записи или линии ЭКГ; ECG changes have been stuttering iwona)
cartogr., amer. discontinued (характеристика сигналов на морских картах)
constr. intermittent (поток); discontinuous (напр., поток); non-continuous
ecol. disjunctive (об ареале); scattered
equip. abrupt; noncontinuous (напр., о поверхности)
idiom. catch-as-catch-can (Interex)
jur. interrupt
lib. saccadic (о движении)
makár. chopped; rickety; stick-slip; broken (о голосе, сне, линии); scattered (об ареале)
med. discontinuous (напр., об электрофорезе); intermittent (напр., о воздействии); disruptive (напр., храп Yorick)
medios. jerky (о движении)
micr. intermittent (Pertaining to something, such as a signal or connection, that is not unbroken but occurs at periodic or occasional intervals)
mil., tec. intermitting
minería jumping
náut. intercostal; intermittent (о сварном шве)
progr. sampling (ssn)
sism. broken
tec. dashed; jerky
прерывисто adv.
gen. brokenly; fitfully; interruptedly; erratically (jprw); by spurts; by fits and starts (Баян); in fits and starts (Баян); with fits and starts (Баян); discretely; discontinuously
Gruzovik in a broken way
antic. pausingly
makár. abruptly
mat. in discontinuous manner
tec. intermittently
vulg. by fits and starts as the hog pisseth; jerkily
прерывисто перемещающаяся дифракционная
: 1 a las frases, 1 temas