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правовой документ
 правовой документ
jur. legal authority; legal document; legal text
negoc. judicial document; title deed
publ. legal instrument
 правовые документы
dipl. legal proceedings
| с приведением
 с приведением
prod. with regard to; with
| его
gen. his
сокращнного | наименования
gen. name
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a las frases
правовой документacentos
jur. legal authority; legal document; legal text (Mary_G)
negoc. judicial document; title deed
publ. legal instrument
правовые документы
dipl. legal proceedings (Legal proceedings were served yesterday. LE. In May 2008, legal proceedings were issued in the Scarborough County Court against North Yorkshire County Council as owners of the ... Legal proceedings were issued at the court yesterday by Wheatcroft & Son against Donington Ventures Leisure Ltd. ... names disclosed (1) How many of those persons were sent letters of claim, and (2) against which persons legal proceedings were issued." ... Alexander Demidov)
negoc. legal papers; legal documents
правовой документ с приведением его: 2 a las frases, 1 temas