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gen. separate; single; distinct; solitary; special; segregate
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a las frases
отдельный adj.acentos
gen. separate; single; distinct; solitary; special; segregate; idiographic; disjunct; isolated; stray; discrete; segregated; standalone (Tanya Gesse); individual; several; independent; dividual; particular; certain (schnuller); freestanding (Anglophile); stand-alone (Александр Рыжов); self contained; unconnected; different (What those differences in behavior amount to, however, is a matter of a different conversation.); select (...the company lowered the price of its Euro-92 gasoline beginning on Dec. 3 and then the price of Euro-95 on Dec. 7. Meanwhile, gas prices for both grades decreased at select TNK-BP stations beginning Dec. 6. Alexander Demidov); not shared with another; specific (отдельно взятый, конкретный visitor); some (immortalms); selected (Vadim Rouminsky); unto itself (a discussion unto itself – отдельная дискуссия, самостоятельная дискуссия Халеев); non-attached (Aprilen); loose; piecemeal; unloose; detached
antic. dividable
banc. separate (о счёте); dedicated (raf)
bot. proper (цветок, венчик в сложном цветке)
comp. stand-alone; standalone; other (immortalms)
constr. sporadical
construcc. articulated
econ. of its own (A.Rezvov)
equip. odd
ferroc. separable; apart
ingen., antic. odd (не входящий в общую систему, не являющийся частью комплекта)
IT alone
lat., makár. separatum
makár. divided; independent isolated; insulated; scattered; self-contained (о доме, квартире); private
med. sporadic
mil. nonintegrated
perf. partial
polím. unattached
progr. disjoint (ssn); just one (ssn); one (ssn); singleton (ssn); new (ssn)
práct. sole
tec. disconnected; singular; separate ('More)
отдельные adj.
form. select (в данном значении только во мн.ч.: A sign affixed by the district to a tree at a nearby trailhead notifies park users of tree removal, with a message: "In the coming weeks, select trees in this area will be removed. They have become hazardous and pose a risk to public safety." nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
отдельное химически
: 8 a las frases, 5 temas
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