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никуда не денетсяacentos
gen. it'll keep (неформально о еде: Don’t worry about putting it in the fridge right now; it'll keep vogeler)
никуда не деться
gen. there is no way around it (scherfas); be alive and well (в соотв. контексте возможны и более эмоционально окрашенные варианты вроде "цвести махровым цветом", "цвести и пахнуть": Despite universal condemnation, corruption is alive and well. • "The culture of corruption is alive and well in Illinois," Oberweis told the DuPage Policy Journal soon after a WBEZ report detailed that since taking office less than two years ago, Democrat Gov. J.B. Pritzker has made at least 35 hires from a so-called "clout list" compiled by longtime House Speaker Mike Madigan. • Senator posts racist email from a constituent to show bigotry is 'alive and well' in South Carolina. postandcourier.com 4uzhoj)
inf. persist (контекстуальный перевод Ремедиос_П)
sign. be here to stay (Dmitrarka); be not going anywhere (в знач. "никуда не исчезнуть"; в форме будущего времени "никуда не денется": Hard as you might try, the Republican Party isn't going anywhere. • Besides, it's not like broadway's going anywhere. reverso.net); still be there (Paris will still be there in the morning. – За ночь Париж никуда не денется. • New York will still be there after you've earned your college degree. reverso.net)
никуда не денешься
gen. well, there it is (admitting an unsatisfactory state of affairs ART Vancouver); it cannot be helped (Sergei Aprelikov); there is no escaping something/the fact that (от чего.л bookworm)
никуда не денется
: 9 a las frases, 4 temas