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gen. disobedient; naughty; indocile; mischievous; rebellious; unruly
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непослушный adj.acentos
gen. disobedient; naughty (о детях); indocile; mischievous; rebellious; unruly; unamenable; unduteous; contumacious; insubordinate; recalcitrant; ungovernable; froward (Anglophile); undutiful (juribt); inclined to oppose; stubborn; wayward; untameable (her untameable mop of thick black hair VLZ_58); troublesome (Abysslooker); wobbly (не поддающийся какому-либо воздействию, о неодушевлённых предметах Abysslooker); aggravating (о ребёнке Ремедиос_П); cross; refractory
agric. rogue (о лошади)
antic. masterless; indisciplinable; indocible; repugnant
dial. iron-sided
fig. stiff (о конечностях, языке и т.д. Abysslooker)
fr. farouche (george serebryakov)
inf. bratty (a bratty kid – непослушный ребёнок ART Vancouver)
makár. tendencious; tendential; tendentious
perf. flyaway
prop. riotous (в т.ч. и о волосах: The woman shook her head and pushed long, riotous copper-colored hair back from her angular face. • My mom and I always know who she is in the picture before we even see her face because of her riotous hair. It was known to be very uncontrollable 4uzhoj)
psic. undisciplined; intractable
psiq. undisciplinable
непослушно adv.
gen. naughtily (Yana1911); disobediently
antic. undutifully; repugnantly
непослушный, но любимый
: 1 a las frases, 1 temas