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gen. interdict; ban; disallow; proclaim; suppress; taboo
| страховым компаниям
 страховая компания
gen. insurance company
| проводить дискриминацию
 проводить дискриминацию
jur. discriminate
| на основе
 на основе
gen. predicated on
| медицинской
gen. medical
| истории
gen. history
| или
tec. ditto
| имеющегося
gen. passable
| з
gen. behind
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a las frases
запретить vacentos
gen. interdict; ban (something // someone from doing something); disallow; proclaim; suppress (a publication); taboo; tabu; nix; put foot down; set foot down; clamp down (деятельность, организацию); burke (книгу, журнал); forbid (someone to do something); black out; bar (someone from doing something: The Sri Lankan government has barred journalists from operating in the area • The warden of Mayfield College is barring us from using university land for the assembly.); make something illegal (что-либо; в знач. "объявить вне закона": In 1920, the 18th Amendment made alcohol illegal across the United States. • A woman leads campaign to make spitting in public illegal in India. A.Rezvov); outlaw; put a veto on (smth., что-л.); put down one's foot; put one's foot down; rule out; set down one's foot; set one's foot down
Gruzovik restrict (pf of запрещать); prohibit (pf of запрещать)
Игорь Миг close down; prevent from
comp. disable
form. bar (bar someone from attending a function ART Vancouver)
fútb. suspend
idiom. put someone's foot down (vkhanin)
intern. opt out (пользоваться личными данными: to opt out from and prevent your data from being used by ... (контекстуальный перевод) sankozh)
jerg. nixie
jur. enjoin; put under restraint
makár. clamp down (деятельность организацию); put a veto on something (что-либо); rescind a permit; revoke a permit
mat. inhibit
micr. disable (To make a device, component, or feature nonfunctional. For example, if you disable a device in a hardware configuration, you cannot use the device when your computer uses that hardware configuration. Disabling a device frees the resources that were allocated to the device); block (A permission setting that prevents a person or domain from adding the user to contact lists, seeing the user's status, or sending instant messages to the user)
mil. impose a ban
patent. deny; deprive; durch Rechtsspruch abjudicate; prohibit
запретить кому-л. v
gen. enjoin one from (что-л.)
запретить страховым компаниям проводить дискриминацию на основе медицинской истории или имеющегося
: 2 a las frases, 2 temas