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gen. make preparations for; prepare for; brace oneself; gear up for; gear to; study up on
inf. prep for
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 сдача экзаменов
gen. successful examination
| на
gen. on
| получение
gen. getting
учного | звания
gen. rank
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gen. make preparations for; prepare for (ART Vancouver); brace oneself (brace yourself for a new season on the TV show... – готовьтесь к новому сезону сериала.... TaylorZodi); gear up for (Our student companies are gearing up for the competition. I. Havkin); gear to (Баян); be poised for (Taras); be poised to do something (Taras); work toward (sea holly); be afoot (чему-л.); be on foot (чему-л.); be about to do smth. (Ying)
Игорь Миг study up on; ready for; be on the cusp of
clich. be set (+ infinitive -- *о запланированных действиях*: Looks like transit buses will be back on the roads next Monday. Transit workers were set to strike at midnight August 26 but the union representing bus drivers says it’s suspending a potential strike. ART Vancouver)
estilo d. brace for (чему-либо неприятному: The ​weather ​forecasters told us to brace ourselves for a ​heavy ​storm. • Ukraine’s neighbours bracing for millions of refugees if Russia invades • Investors brace for a torrid day as west threatens sanctions Val_Ships)
inf. prep for (I'm right in the middle of prepping for the biotech conference this weekend, so I won't have a chance to spend Sunday with you. – Я как раз готовлюсь к конференции ... ART Vancouver)
makár. provide against (чему-либо); study for (экзамену и т. п.); wind up (чему-либо); brace oneself (чему-либо); prepare for (делать приготовления)
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gen. set up for (чем-либо КГА)
jur. train (чему-либо)
готовиться к сдаче экзаменов на получение
: 3 a las frases, 1 temas