
   Ruso Inglés
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gen. effect; weight; hold; incidence; dominance; authority
| межфазной границы
 межфазная граница
tec. phase boundary
| на
gen. on
| режим
gen. regime
| осцилляции
tec. oscillation
| в
 в ...
mil. avia. to ...
трхфазной | системе
red d. symmetrical multiprocessing system
| жидких мембран
 жидкая мембрана
tec. fluid membrane
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a las frases
влияние sacentos
gen. effect; weight; hold; incidence; dominance; authority; cinch; credit; force; inspiration; interest; power; reaction; repercussions; action; good offices; string; ascendant; repercussion; ascendent; counterpoise (и т.п.); consequence; impression; teeth (Alexander Demidov); impact; rise; rising; say (Ex: Native Americans are determined not only to remain in control of their art but also to have a say in how it is interpreted. This article discusses the possibility of joint ventures, with Western companies purchasing a shareholding to give them a say in the running of Soviet organisations. BES Alexander Demidov); stimulus; kick up; influence; prominence (grigoriy_m); sway; input (Nrml Kss); clout (Tanya Gesse); ascendancy; ascendency; auspice; command; counter roll; efficiency; empire; hank; holding; operation; predominance; predominancy; prevalence; prevalency; procurement; strength; way
aeroh. diffusion
amer. suction (I have no suction with him Taras)
amer., dial. heft
antic. falling into (of a river); comptrol; comtroller; controlment; efficience
arquit. capital
austral., jerg. push
cabl. impact on
cocina twist (food with a French twist sankozh)
dipl. in; pulling power
econ. pull
elab. attack
electr. interference
estad. influence function
ferroc. agency
fig. leaven
fond. traction
geof. response
Gruzovik, antic. flowing into of a river; falling into of a river
industr. quenching
IT infection; leverage
jerg. clamp down; juice; stand-in; suction; suck; duck soup; wallop (Interex)
jerg., makár. drag
leng. swing
makár. affection; control; dominancy; exertion; exposure; sensitivity; stimulation; strings
makár., inf. the say-so
mat. contagion; interference (взаимное); exposure (to); action (on); effect (on, upon); influence (on, upon)
medios. contributor
nanot. constraint; shock
negoc. influx
polít. clout (*informal* influence or power, especially in politics or business (Oxford Dictionary) : "I knew he carried a lot of clout" (Oxford Dictionary) ART Vancouver); influential role (ssn)
rel. acting upon
subm. influence (on)
tecn. influencing
влияние pH s
makár. pH effect
влияния s
makár. stimuli
влиянию s
gen. governable
взаимное влияние s
contr. interference
влияние межфазной границы на режим осцилляции в
: 1 a las frases, 1 temas