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cine High Crimes
особо тяжкое преступление
gen. gravest crime (Азери); extremely serious crime (Alexander Demidov); extremely grievous crime (В ряду типа "преступления средней тяжести, тяжкого и особо тяжкого преступления" = "crime of medium gravity, grievous and extremely grievous crime". Depending on the state, extremely grievous crimes would include offenses such as murder, rape, sodomy, arson, or kidnapping. Alexander Demidov); special grave offense (ROGER YOUNG)
Игорь Миг first degree murder (конт.)
amer., derech. felony
derech. especially grave crime (Alex_Odeychuk)
jur. high crime (ksuh; Так переводить нельзя, т.к. high crime - это должностное преступление, которое по УК может и не быть уголовным. См. Legal Dictionary: High Crime a crime of infamous nature contrary to public morality but not technically constituting a felony; specifically : an offense that the U.S. Senate deems to constitute an adequate ground for removal of the president, vice president, or any civil officer as a person unfit to hold public office and deserving of impeachment Angela Greenfield)
negoc. treason
Особо тяжкие преступления
: 7 a las frases, 6 temas
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