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fin. Treaty
agric. dress
comun. IT constr. handle
ingen. fabricate; process; tool; work
med. process
educ. gen. treatise
gen. indent
| tra
gen. among
| gli
gen. him
| Stati Uniti d'America
 Stati Uniti d'America
geogr. estados. United States of America
| e
med. redox potential
| l
tec. Length
| Unione delle Repubbliche Socialiste Sovietiche
 Unione delle Repubbliche Socialiste Sovietiche
polít. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
| per
gen. for
| la
gen. it
- se han encontrado palabras individuales

a las frases
trattare v
gen. treat; cope with; deal
agric. dress
comun., IT, constr. to handle
ingen. fabricate; process; tool; work
med. to process
trattino v
gen. indent
estud., comun. hyphen
fin. dash
micr. en dash (The – character, based on the width of an uppercase N and used primarily as a connecting element, especially with numbers)
trattato v
ambient. treaty An international agreement in writing between two states or a number of states. Treaties are binding in international law; some treaties create law only for those states that are parties to them
educ. treatise (tractatus)
jur. treaty
Trattato v
fin. Treaty
Trattato tra gli Stati Uniti d'America e l'Unione delle Repubbliche Socialiste Sovietiche per la
: 3 a las frases, 1 temas
Física nuclear3