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trademark trollingacentos
patent. бренд-сквоттинг (The opportunistic trademark registrant is a person or entity that registers a trademark without any intent to lawfully use that mark. Once obtaining the registration, the trademark troll will seek out "infringers," i.e. persons using a similar mark, and demand licensing fees, upon threat of a lawsuit. Or, the trademark troll will offer to sell the mark for a profit. 'More); сквоттинг товарных знаков (The opportunistic trademark registrant is a person or entity that registers a trademark without any intent to lawfully use that mark. Once obtaining the registration, the trademark troll will seek out "infringers," i.e. persons using a similar mark, and demand licensing fees, upon threat of a lawsuit. Or, the trademark troll will offer to sell the mark for a profit. 'More)