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paas [pɑ:s] sacentos
antic., dial. пасха
PaaS [pɑ:s] s
comp. платформа как услуга (t_edelweis)
progr. платформа приложений как услуга (сокр. от "platform as a service" Alex_Odeychuk)
red d. виртуализованная платформа (Alex_Odeychuk)
 Inglés tesauro
PAAS [pɑ:s] abbr.
abrev. Pan American Silver Corporation; Positive Action Assessment Strategy; Post-Archean Australian Shale (Ksylena)
abrev., marc. Pharmacy Audit Assistance Service
abrev., mil., avia. passive/active all-weather seeker
abrev., psicof. Panic and Anticipatory Anxiety Scale (Игорь_2006)
mil. passive/active all-weather seeker; phased array antenna system
PaaS [pɑ:s] abbr.
abrev. Platform as a Service (ssn)
comp. Platform-as-a-Service (t_edelweis)
progr. platform as a service (Alex_Odeychuk)
PAAS [pɑ:s] abbr.
abrev., cienc. Pakistan Association for the Advancement of Science
abrev., petról. post-Archaean Australian shale