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RCC abbr.acentos
abrev. ПКК (Right craniocaudal – правая кранио-каудальная shergilov)
anat. правая ОСА (MichaelBurov); правая общая сонная артерия (MichaelBurov)
casp. железнодорожный диспетчерский центр (Railway Control Center uaka); центр управления вторичных материалов (Yeldar Azanbayev)
centr. бетон, уплотнённый катком (roller compacted concrete Шакиров)
med. ПКР (renal cell carcinoma Oksanut)
mil. региональное военное командование (Regional Command & Control WiseSnake); РВК (WiseSnake)
oncol. почечно-клеточный рак (MichaelBurov); почечно-клеточная карцинома (Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is a kidney cancer that originates in the lining of the proximal convoluted tubule, a part of the very small tubes in the kidney that transport primary urine. RCC is the most common type of kidney cancer in adults, responsible for approximately 90–95% of cases wikipedia.org MichaelBurov); гипернефрома (MichaelBurov); гипернефроидный рак (MichaelBurov)
petr. Спасательный координационный центр (MichaelBurov)
RCC reactor concrete cavity abbr.
energ. БШР бетонная шахта реактора (natty0208)
 Inglés tesauro
RCC abbr.
abrev. Racial Character Class; Radio Controll Cars; Radiochemical Centre Ltd.; Range Commanders Council; reader common contact; Rec Collecting Coins; Red Claw Crab; Regional Climate Center; Regional Computer Center; Regulation Communication Center; Remote Cluster Controller; Resident Computer Consultant; Resource Conservation Committee; Resources Control Centre; Revenue Class Code; Reverse Control Channel; Roland Coordination Center; Roman Catholic Church; Routing Control Center; Royal Crown Cola; rubber-covered cable; Radio Communication Co.; Rescue Co-ordination Center; Research Construction Corp.; Radio Common Carrier
abrev., ambient. radiation and chemical control (agrabo)
abrev., anat. RCC artery (MichaelBurov); right common carotid artery (MichaelBurov)
abrev., astron. Rescue Coordination Centre
abrev., avia. rubber covered cable; receiver command control; remote charge converter
abrev., banc. Risk and Capital Committee (Nyufi)
abrev., cienc. Resource Conservation Company (Wash.); Resource Coordination Center
abrev., constr. reinforced cement concrete (Russian spy)
abrev., defens. remote communication complex
abrev., electr. radio channel controller; radio common carriers; radio control clock (IC); readiness condition code; real-time computer conferencing; reconfigurable computing; redundancy check code; release connection complete; remote communication center; remote communications concentrator; remote control center; remote-controlled camera; reserved communication control equipment; reset control circuit; resistance-capacitance coupling; robot command center; routine communication check; recurrent cascade correlation; resin-coated copper
abrev., equip. remote center compliance
abrev., escoc. Regional Control Centre; Reinforced Carbon-Carbon; Rescue Co-ordination Centre; Reservist Command Course (Singapore); Resources Control Console for ELINT & COMINT systems; Robotic Command Centre; Roland Co-ordination Centre (USA)
abrev., espac. Recovery Control Center; reinforced carbon/carbon; reinforced carbon composite; remote communication centre; remote communication console; remote center compliance device; remote control centre; Research Consultative Committee; resistance/capacitance coupling; Reusable Carbon-Carbon
abrev., hist. Ramstein Communications Center
abrev., ingen. ring closed circuit; rod cluster control
abrev., ingl.brit. Regional Consignment Centre; Regular Commission Course
abrev., IT route control center; Reduced Complexity Computer; Requirement of Complete Confirmability
abrev., kárat. remote command and control
abrev., la cr. Rural Credit Cooperative
abrev., makár. radio common carrier; roller compacted concrete
abrev., med. Red Cell Cast; Red Cell Concentrate; Red Cell Count; Regional Cancer Centre, Thiruvananthapuram, India; Renal Cell Carcinoma; Right Common Carotid (artery); Rotterdam Coronary Calcification Study
abrev., meteorol. rotary continuous casting
abrev., mil. Resin-Coated Copper, Rescue Coordination Center; regional contracting center; relocation coordination center
abrev., nombr. Regional Climate Centers
abrev., oncol. hypernephroma (MichaelBurov); renal cell carcinoma (MichaelBurov)
abrev., petr. Rescue Coordination Center (MichaelBurov)
abrev., petról. ratio of charge to cost; Radio Chemical Center; reduced crude conversion (process); refinery computer control; residue catalytic cracker; residue catalytic cracking; rifted continental crust
abrev., plac. resin coated copper (Метран)
abrev., plant. Residual Catalytic Cracking (method for refining heavy hydrocarbons into lighter fuel products ixtra); Residual Carbon Content (ixtra)
abrev., radio radio choke coil; resistance-capacity coupling
abrev., sajal. Reinforced Cement Concrete (железобетон pipa1984)
abrev., serv. Rates and Classification Center
abrev., tec. rotor current controller; Rescue Control Center
industr. Radiochemical Centre; reactive current compensation; reflector cooling circuit
med. Red cell count
mil. radio common channel; radio communications center; radiological control center; range control center; real-time computer complex; reconnaissance control center; recovery coordination center; regional control center; remote communications central; remote communications complex; remote communications console; remote computer center; rescue control center; rescue coordination center; rescue crew commander; reserve components center; resources control center; road construction company; robotic command center
petról., abrev. reduced crude conversion
tec. radio common channels; reactor cavity cooling; reactor closed-cooling; reduced-capacity channel; remote control complex
ссRCC abbr.
abrev., oncol. clear cell renal cell cancer (Clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) is a subtype of renal cell carcinoma, a kidney cancer. Its name comes from the cancer cells, which look like clear soap bubbles under a microscope. ccRCC cancer cells rapidly multiply, forming one or more tumors. This cancer typically only affects one kidney but can affect both. MichaelBurov)
rcc abbr.
abrev. Resistance Capacitance Coupling
med. right coronary cusp (правая коронарная створка VladimirFlake)
: 74 a las frases, 13 temas
Centrales hidroeléctricas1
Energía nuclear y de fusión1
Equipo automatizado1
Estructuras de construcción1
Materiales de construcción1
Minería de oro2