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punitive damagesacentos
gen. штрафные санкции (financial compensation designed to punish the party that cause the injury – Bab – АД); убытки, присуждаемые в качестве наказания (когда punitive damages=exemplary damages Alexander Demidov)
jur. убытки, присуждаемые в порядке наказания (Adam Johnson, a litigation partner at City firm Herbert Smith, says the US has long been considered a favourable forum for claimants, particularly in personal injury (PI) cases. Contingency fees, jury trials for all civil cases and the chance to win substantial punitive damages – often awarded as multiples of any compensatory damages – are just some of the advantages. LE Alexander Demidov); наказательные меры (Marina Lee); штрафные убытки (Exemplary damages(also known as punitive damages) may in exceptional circumstances be awarded in tort cases but are never awarded in contract cases. LE2 Alexander Demidov)
patent. карательное возмещение убытков; штраф
segur. возмещение убытков в виде наказания
punitive damage
mil. ущерб, наносимый в отместку; ущерб, наносимый с целью покарать противника
negoc. карательный ущерб (Alexander Matytsin)
petról. разрушающее повреждение
sajal. штрафные убытки
 Inglés tesauro
punitive damages
jur. Money awarded to an injured person, over and above the measurable value of the injury, in order to punish the person who hurt him
Punitive Damages
: 11 a las frases, 6 temas
Ley internacional1
Petróleo y gas1