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LDs sacentos
fin. заранее оценённые убытки (MichaelBurov)
LDS abbr.
abrev. диодно-лазерный спектрометр (Laser Diode spectrometer MenshovaAnna)
LD s
astron. аэродинамическое качество
gest. развитие лидерства (leadership development ipesochinskaya)
Gruzovik, cient. лазерный диод (laser diode); загрузка (load); нагрузка (load)
gráf. низкое разрешение (сокр. от "low density" Alex_Odeychuk)
ilum. осветительная установка (MichaelBurov); осветительное устройство (MichaelBurov); осветительный прибор (MichaelBurov)
Ld s
finanz. бухгалтерская книга
LDS abbr.
bioq. литий-додецилсульфат (iwona)
Gruzovik, mil. эшелонированная оборона (layered defense system)
logíst. Последний день отгрузки (Last day of shipment Miraclete)
rel. СПД
 Inglés tesauro
LD abbr.
abrev., econ. Lybian dinar
abrev., fotogr. Low dispersion
abrev., quím. lethal dose
LDs abbr.
jur., jur.:anglosaj. liquidated damages ('More)
LDS abbr.
abrev. Lucifer's Dedicated Servants; Laser Detection System; Leaky Dick Syndrome; Lonely Disgusting Stupid; Lucs Dei Semper
abrev., avia. Lower Diameter Seal (Zealot2002); lightning detection system; load sharing; lighting detection system; low density system
abrev., banc. debt instruments intragroup securities in the UAE (MichaelBurov)
abrev., cienc. land drive system; laser drilling system; limestone-dolomite series; local data storage; lunar drill system
abrev., dep. Long Distance Spinner
abrev., electr. Langmuir dark space; large disk storage; laser docking system; laser Doppler signals; level decision sensitivity; lightly doped source (region); linear dynamic system; liquid delivery system; liquid source; local distribution service; logic design system; low-dimensional system; lower data strobe; LSI development system
abrev., escoc. Laser Dazzle Sight; Layered Defence System
abrev., espac. launch data system; lithium doped silicon
abrev., intern. Lunar Diversionary Surnames
abrev., IT Large Data Sets; Linear Data Set; Load Pointer Using DS; Local Data Structure; Local Digital Switch; Logical Data Structure; Long Distance Service
abrev., makár. laser Doppler system
abrev., marc. Laser Detect Systems, Ltd.
abrev., med. Licence in Dental Surgery (sea holly); Latter Day Saints (Hospital, Hospital); Licentiate in Dental Surgery; line of duty status
abrev., mil. Laser Detecting Set; Lexington Discrimination System; Lightweight Decontamination System; light decontamination system (Киселев); launcher drive system
abrev., mil., avia. landing/deceleration system
abrev., negoc. leads
abrev., petról. last data sample; litho-density sonde; local distribution system; low-discharge sediment
abrev., rel. Latter Day Saint; Latter- Day Saints
abrev., sajal. Leak Detection System (Sakhalin Energy)
abrev., ópt. laser dazzle system
bioq. lithium dodecyl sulfate (додецилсульфат лития: Lithium dodecyl sulfate (LDS) is an anionic detergent and surfactant that is frequently used in electrophoresis and chromatography. LDS iwona)
mil. layered defense system; logistics data sheet
petr. leakage detection system
tec. landing/deceleration subsystem; laser deep space; leak detection system, leakage detection system
telecom. low density signature (Low density signature (LDS) is a version of CDMA with low density spreading sequences allowing us to take advantage of a near optimal message passing algorithm (MPA) receiver with practically feasible complexity. Sparse code multiple access (SCMA) is a multi-dimensional codebook-based non-orthogonal spreading technique.  'More)
lds abbr.
minería loads
petr. lands
Lds abbr.
abrev., petról. lands
: 60 a las frases, 19 temas
Armas de destrucción masiva1
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