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GPD abbr.acentos
genét. глюкозофосфатдегидрогеназа (dimock)
nanot. ГФО (MichaelBurov); газофазное осаждение (MichaelBurov)
obtenc. Глобальная база данных по продуктам (Метран)
petr. число галлонов в сутки (gallons per day)
petról. галлонов в сутки (gallons per day)
 Inglés tesauro
GPD abbr.
abrev. General Products Division; Georgia Power Company; Great Plains Dogs; general purpose data; Global Positioning Device
abrev., agric. gaseous product of digestion
abrev., avia. geometric parameter drawing
abrev., cienc. gram per day; grams per day
abrev., electr. gallium photodiode; generalized probabilistic descent algorithm; general protocol driver; Germanium Power Devices Corp.; gimbal position display
abrev., escoc. General Political Department (China)
abrev., fin. Global Partnerships Division
abrev., intel. Generalized Probabilistic Descent
abrev., IT gas plasma display
abrev., la cr. gaseous products of digestion; guttural pouch diphtheria
abrev., meteorol. Generalized Pareto Distribution (Ying)
abrev., mil., avia. gallons per day
abrev., nanot. gas-phase deposition (MichaelBurov)
abrev., obtenc. global product database (Метран)
abrev., petról. general-purpose data
industr. gas proportioning damper
gpd abbr.
polím. gallons per day; grams per denier