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EOL abbr.acentos
gen. конец срока службы
reloj. индикатор разряженной батареи (boulloud)
teng. концевой резистор (Aiduza)
 Inglés tesauro
EOL abbr.
abrev. Ebm Only Louder; Elimu On Line; Eraser Of Love; Earth Orbit Launch; end of life (boulloud)
abrev., astron. end of life (of satellite)
abrev., automóv. engine oil level (translator911)
abrev., avia. effective operational length; effective operation length
abrev., dep. Elite Online League
abrev., electr. enterprise on line; expression-oriented language
abrev., escoc. Engine-Off Landing
abrev., med. End Of Life
abrev., mil. End Of Line; end of link
abrev., petról. expected opportunity loss
abrev., progr. end of line (ssn); EOLN (ssn); line separator (ssn)
abrev., red d. Europe on-line (провайдер спутникового интернета)
abrev., telecom. End of Line (zsmith)
abrev., textil Elastolefine (Yuriy83)
ecol. effective oxygen load
eol abbr.
abrev., cienc. eolian deposit
Eol abbr.
abrev., petról. eolian (deposit)
OL: 10 a las frases, 6 temas
Industria energetica1
Ingenieria eléctrica1
Solución alternativa de controversias2