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наверняка adv.acentos
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gen. hundred to one; as sure as death; as sure as fate; for a sitter; of a certainty; as sure as a gun; iwis (Interex); as sure as eggs is eggs; for a certainty; with any confidence (elena.kazan); be sure; full well (Gina was chapfallen when she saw the thin envelope, knowing full well that it contained a letter of rejection. 4uzhoj); atweel; prolly (Artjaazz); it is inevitable that (VLZ_58); more than likely (She will more than likely not get the job. [=she will very probably not get the job] VLZ_58); well (Where's John? He may well be home already. george serebryakov); to a certainty (certainly, surely, without doubt: For it needs little skill in psychology to be sure that a highly gifted girl who had tried to use her gift for poetry would have been so thwarted and hindered by other people, so tortured and pulled asunder by her own contrary instincts, that she must have lost her health and sanity to a certainty. wordreference.com Technical); most probably (Азери); for certain; for sure (If you're going to try to take out a politician, you better take him out for sure.); см. take no chances (4uzhoj); definitely (dabaska); surely (Surely you've seen these commercials before. – Вы наверняка видели эту телевизионную рекламу.); for a fact ("I am not assuming anything. I know it for a fact." Stanislav Silinsky); safe guess; that is flat; that's flat; assuredly (firefly_s)
Игорь Миг certain; overwhelmingly likely
amer. it is dollars to doughnuts; sure thing
clich. is sure (+ infinitive: Napoleon barbecue is sure to satisfy the most discerning barbecuer. ART Vancouver)
ecol. extremely likely (translator911)
Gruzovik, inf. without taking risks; safely
inf. bound to (Alex Lilo); five gets you ten (тж. five will get you ten joyand); $100 says (Try your best to be optimistic, but $100 says you'll majorly screw something up. VLZ_58); sure as shooting (has a "Wild West" subtext to it Liv Bliss); it must be (sophistt); for sure (Ksenna); when one is sure of success; surefire (Vadim Rouminsky)
jerg. sure why
makár. without fail; as sure as death
mat. certainly; be certain; probably; it is likely that
negoc. most certainly
: 162 a las frases, 18 temas
Americano uso2
Australiano sólo uso3
Cliché / convención2
Construcción naval1
De tío1
Jerga militar2
Manera de hablar1
Servicios de inteligencia y seguridad.3