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gen. make bail for (кого-либо); put up bail for (smb., кого́-л.)
jur. bail someone out (to secure the release of an arrested person by providing bail money); go bail for (кого-либо: As for Chris, I'd like to let him out, and Doctor Wilbur will go bail for him, but Judge Harvey has to sign the papers and he's away on.); stand bail for (кого-либо: Gandhi said he could not offer bail in good conscience and no one would stand bail for him. • They spent the night in jail because no one would stand bail for them.); post a bond (в случае с post a bond подразумевается, что такой залог внесен профессиональным поручителем (работающим за комиссию) под залог имущества подозреваемого AlisaBen)
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