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nest [nest] s
gen. gniazdo m
micr. zagnieździć (To embed one construct inside another. For example, a database may contain a nested table (a table within a table), a program may contain a nested procedure (a procedure declared within a procedure), and a data structure may include a nested record (a record containing a field that is itself a record))
nest [nest] v
gen. gniazdko małe gniazdo; gnieździć się wić gniazdo, ptak; przybytek ośrodek; wylęgarnia insektów, zarazków; zagnieżdżać się
agric. gnieździć się
zool. gniazdować
nest [nest] adj.
agric. gniazdowy
 Inglés tesauro
nest [nest] abbr.
abrev., dep. back foot leaning hang; bird's nest; nest hang
nest [nest] v
joyas. A term that refers to the way a necklace hangs on the neck.
NEST [nest] abbr.
abrev., cient. Nuclear Emergency Search Team
abrev., dep. North End Sponsorship Team
abrev., educ., cient. Networked Engineering Science And Technology
abrev., electr. Netware embedded systems technology; national emergency survivable tropo system; Novell embedded systems technology
abrev., escoc. Naval Experimental Satellite Terminal
abrev., jur. Neighborhood Emergency Service Team
abrev., med. Nonsurgical Embryonic Selective Thinning
abrev., mil. Navy Environmental Support Tool; nuclear emergency support team (DOE)
abrev., mil., avia. national emergency survivable troop system
abrev., red d. Novell Enhanced Support Training
abrev., red d., IT Network Evolution For Sustainable Tourism
mil., abrev. nuclear explosive simulation technique
nasd. Nestor, Inc.
NEST [nest] abbr.
abrev., petról. new employee safety training
nest: 22 a las frases, 7 temas