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 Inglés tesauro
lp abbr.
abrev. landplane; life policy; linear programming; liquid propellant
abrev., med. limp; loop-tail
LP abbr.
abrev. Large Print; Les Paul; Limited Partnership; Lincoln Park; Little People; Labor Power; Labor Productivity; Labour Party; Launch Position; Le Peu; Left Parietal; Lethal Parachute; Liberal Party; Light Perception; Light Punch; linking protection; Limited Procurement (or Production); Lincoln Papers; Line Print; Link Printer; Little Paul; Little Penguin; Living Presence; Loan Proceed; Local Pair; Lodgings Plus; Logical Partition (LVM); Long Patrol; Long Plate; long playing; Long Playing record (долгоиграющая пластинка tasya); Long Pointer; Long Precision; Long Program; Long- Play audio; Low Ping; low point; Low Precipitation; Lower Peninsula; Lucky Puppy; legal privilege
abrev., astr., cient. Lonely Planet
abrev., automóv. lamp; leaded petrol; low potential
abrev., avia. land landing performance; laser processing; laser projector; light pencil; light pulse; lightning protector; location pin; loft pattern; loop; linear power amplifier; linear pulse amplifier; cock low pressure cock; lean pre-mixed (bonly); lean production; light plate; low pressure switch
abrev., avia., canad. localizer performance without vertical guidance
abrev., bioq. lipid peroxidation (igisheva)
abrev., burs. liquidity provider (Форекс bn1)
abrev., carg. long-playing record
abrev., casp. lifting point (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abrev., cienc. leptosol; lacustrine plain; lambing percentage; Laguerre Polynomials; linear prediction; Log-Pearson Type; London Price
abrev., com. liquefied petroleum (gas); life insurance policy; Palestine pound
abrev., defens. low-pass
abrev., dep. leucocytic pyrogen; Long Player
abrev., electr. Lambda Physik GmbH; Lambda Physik Inc.; laser plotter; laser printer; linearly polarized; line protocol; line pulse; linking program; link processor; list processing; lithium polymer; locating point; logarithmically periodic; logical page; logical port; logic probe; long pulse; lower-order path; low-order path; log-periodic; low pressure (process)
abrev., electr., cient. Low Pass
abrev., ensayo cl. log pad (MichaelBurov); LogPad (MichaelBurov)
abrev., equip. linear pitch; lubricant parameter
abrev., escoc. Landing Point
abrev., espac. language processor; load peak; local processor; low-pass filter
abrev., fin. liquidity premium theory; loan participation
abrev., ginec. last period (igisheva)
abrev., ingen. lighting panel
abrev., IT light pen; lightpen
abrev., jur. Loss Prevention; Low Profile
abrev., makár. leadless package; line printer; lubrication parameter
abrev., med. lumbar puncture (Vosoni); latency period; lipid proteinosis; low potency; lumber puncture; lumboperitoneal; lymphocyte predominant; lysate pellet; Labile Protein; Lateralis Posterior (muscle); Lipoprotein; Sound Pressure Level; Lumbar Puncture; Lumbar puncture; low power (microscopy); Licensed Practitioner
abrev., medios. long-play; Linear Programming
abrev., mil. low pressure; Last Position; Line Printer; landplane; launch pad
abrev., mil., avia. lamp panel
abrev., mús. Linkin Park; Long Play; Low Price
abrev., negoc. long price
abrev., petr. low pour point (MichaelBurov)
abrev., petról. liquid phase; sep low-pressure separator; lab project; laminated polyethylene film; late Pleistocene; latent period; layer production; lead programmer; lepidoblastic; light petroleum; line pairs; line pipe; line pressure; linear parafin; linear pressure; linear processing; linear programming; Liquefied Petroleum Gas Magazine; liquid petrolatum; liquid polymer; lodge pole; London Port; long pitch; low permeability; low porosity; lower part; Lower Permian; lumped parameter
abrev., polím. liquid propellant; laminated plate; low polymer; low polymerizer; low-pressure; low-profile
abrev., progr. Logic Programming (BFRZ)
abrev., publ. liability policy
abrev., quím., cient. Liquid Propane
abrev., red d. link protocol
abrev., sajal. compressor discharge cooler; low production
abrev., sism. long period
abrev., tec. lead point; light panel; lower power; line pair (tannin)
abrev., transp. License Plate
abrev., valor. limit partnership
abrev., ópt. low pass
industr. line pump; liquefied petroleum (gas); lithium process; low-power; low-powered; lower plenum; lubrication parameters
mil. laboratory procedure; last paid; launch platform; launching platoon; life preserver; limited production; liquid petroleum; list of parts; listening post; litter patient; live play; local procurement; local purchase; long persistence; loss of pay; low power
petr. local panel (to control individual packages)
tec. Langmuir probe; laser propulsion; linear polarization; liquid penetrant; liquid propellent; log periodic; log-periodic antenna; logical parent; long pass; long-period
tec., abrev. long-playing
TV long play
Lp abbr.
abrev. lipoprotein; ladyship; lordship; line pairs per centimeter (Andrey250780)
abrev., cienc. liparite
abrev., med. sound power level
LP L/P abbr.
meteorol. land plane; liquid propellant; low pressure
LPB abbr.
abrev., med. Lipoprotein B
lP abbr.
abrev. Institute of Petroleum (A Hun)
LP. abbr.
abrev., elim. low pressure
LPA abbr.
abrev., med. Lipoprotein A
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