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ion ['aɪən] s
ambient. jon (elektrycznie naładowany atom lub grupa atomów utworzona w wyniku utraty lub uzyskania jednego lub więcej elektronów; An electrically charged atom or group of atoms formed by the loss or gain of one or more electrons)
quím. jon m
ions s
constr. jon m
 Inglés tesauro
ion ['aɪən] s
petr. ratio
ION ['aɪən] abbr.
abrev. Institute of Navigation; Internetworking Over NBMA (LIS, LAG, ATM, NBMA); ischaemic optic neuropathy
abrev., avia. Impfondo, Congo
abrev., electr. interorganizational network; intelligent optical network
abrev., escoc. Input / Output Node
abrev., extens. Files descriptions (e.g. descript.ion, DosNavigator Vosoni); Descript.ion file file descriptions (4DOS)
abrev., industr. interim operational notification (Boris54)
abrev., intern. Internet Operating Network
abrev., IT Descript.ion file file descriptions; internetworking over non-broadcast
abrev., med. Institute Of Nutrition
abrev., mil. Integrated On-demand Network
abrev., mil., avia. input-output node
abrev., neurol. Institute of Neurology
abrev., red d., IT Individual Outage Notification
bols., burs. Ionics, Inc.
Ion ['aɪən] s
geol. Ionian (MichaelBurov); Ionian Stage (MichaelBurov); Ionian strata (MichaelBurov); Ionian sequence (MichaelBurov); Ionian Age (MichaelBurov)
Ion. abbr.
abrev., cienc. ionic
IONS abbr.
abrev., náut., cient. Institute of Oceanography, Nova Scotia
ion ['aɪən] abbr.
chat. I don't (ion like driving at night urbandictionary.com Shabe)
IoN ['aɪən] abbr.
med. Institute of Nutrition (translenka)
ion: 230 a las frases, 18 temas
Antenas y guías de onda.1
Ciencias de la tierra1
Ciencias de la vida2
Energía térmica5
Farmacia y farmacología1
Física nuclear2
Química analítica127
Suministro de agua4
Tubos de vacio2