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APL | management planning
 management plan
ambient. piano di gestione
fin. programma di gestione
fin. ambient. piano di gestione
 management planning
agric. pianificazione aziendale
econ. gestione previsionale
| and
equip. "AND"; E
gen. e
| engineering
econ. ingegnerizzazione
| resource
micr. Risorse
| evaluation
ambient. valutazione
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sustantivo | adjetivo
 Inglés tesauro
APL abbr.
abrev. Accreditation Of Prior Learning; Accredited Prior Learning; Advanced Physics Laboratory; Aiming Post Light; airplane; Airworthy Productions, L. L. C.; Alliance of Progressive Labor; American President Lines; American President Lines, Ltd.; Analog Private Line; Atlas Pipeline Partners, L. P.; automatic phase lock; Automatic Progression Level
abrev., anat. abductor pollicis longus (iwona)
abrev., avia. automatic program location; airplane program implementation; allowance part list; approved part list; assembly part list; association of programmed learning
abrev., comp. Automatic Picture Level (Vosoni); average picture level (ssn)
abrev., econ. above poverty line (MichaelBurov)
abrev., educ. accreditation for prior learning (Tiny Tony)
abrev., electr. advanced planarizing layer; analog programing language; analog programming language
abrev., equip. automatic part loader (eugeene1979)
abrev., escoc. Aero Propulsion Laboratory (USAF); Anti-Personnel Landmines; Applied Physics Laboratory, John Hopkins University (USA); Barracks craft (USA)
abrev., extens. A Programming Language; APL work space; Support module (Manugraphics APL products)
abrev., fin. anticipated probable loss (Ася Кудрявцева); Adaptable Programme Loan
abrev., inmunol. autologous peripheral lymphocytes
abrev., intel. A Programming Language
abrev., IT a programming language (Bricker)
abrev., makár. aircraft-position line
abrev., med. Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia; Anterior Pulmonary Leaflet; acute promyelocyte leukemia (RD3QG); acute promyelocytic leukemia; accelerated painless labor; acid phosphatase of liver; anterioposterior and lateral; anterior pituitary-like substance; Adjusted Pressure-Limiting (регулируемый предохранительный (клапан) JamesMarkov)
abrev., mil. antipersonnel land mine
abrev., mil., avia. acceptable performance level
abrev., nombr. American President Lines Limited
abrev., náut., cient. Applied Physics Laboratory
abrev., petról. approximate permissible level
abrev., radio average picture-signal level
abrev., tec. Acceptable Process Level (Vosoni)
abrev., teng. authorized personnel list (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abrev., ópt. average picture level
IT, abrev. acute promyelocytic leukemia (Disease)
mil. acceptable performance level; advanced procurement list; allowance parts list; approved parts list; Army personnel letter; Army promotion list; Barracks Craft (non self-propelled)
tec. allowable power limit; authorized possession limit; programming language
transp. Airport Lights
aPL abbr.
abrev. anti-phospholipid antibody (MichaelBurov); antiphospholipid antibody (MichaelBurov); aPL antibody (MichaelBurov)
inmunol. APLA (MichaelBurov)
apl. abbr.
abrev., carg. approval
apl abbr.
abrev., petról. as per list
Apl abbr.
abrev. April
Apl. abbr.
abrev. April
APL abbr.
abrev. Aero-Propulsion Laboratory; atomic power lubricants; Applied Physics Laboratories
abrev., avia. automated parts list; aviation physiology lab
abrev., banc. Adaptable Program Loan (Yuliana Nurumbetova)
abrev., cienc. aqueous phase liquid; Applied Physics Laboratory (UW, University of Washington, US)
abrev., educ. Accreditation of Prior Learning (Johnny Bravo); accredited prior learning (Johnny Bravo)
abrev., espac. Aerospace Propulsion Laboratory
abrev., negoc. acceptable power level; application; approval; A Programming Language APL
abrev., petról. advanced production logging; americium peak lower (window output); annulus pressure loss; approved assembly parts list; approved parts and materials list; Arco Pipe Line; array program language; assembly parts list; associative programming language; atomic power lubricant; automatic pressure lubrication; automatic production line; automatic program loading
abrev., telecom. algorithmic programming language
abrev., tipogr. all-purpose linotype