
Google | Forvo | +
one of the | critical points
 critical point
agric. metal. átalakulási pont
of | steels
agric. acél-
at which | ferrite
agric. metal. ferrit
| transforms
IT tec. alakítani
| to
electr. akadályoz
austenite or otherwise
- se han encontrado palabras individuales

abreviatura | numeral | a las frases
 Inglés tesauro
ONE [wʌn] abbr.
abrev. Open Network Of Enterprises; Over Nearly Everyone; Operations Notification and Evaluation
abrev., avia. Onepusu, Solomon Islands
abrev., burs. Bank One Corporation
abrev., educ. Orientation for Nutrition Employees
abrev., IT Open Network Environment
abrev., med. computer-assisted Otoneurological Expert System
abrev., mil. Operation NOBLE EAGLE
abrev., red d. office network exchange
abrev., red d., IT Open Net Environment
abrev., serv., estados. Office of National Estimates
abrev., sist., IT Optimized Network Encryption
abrev., telecom. one number
tec. optimized network evolution
ONE [wʌn] abbr.
abrev., electr. Omega navigation equipment; one network for every-one
ONES abbr.
abrev. Onesource Information Service
one of the: 20 a las frases, 7 temas
Activismo por los derechos humanos2
Ley internacional privada2
Unión Europea2