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 Inglés tesauro
Oscar ['ɔskə] abbr.
abrev., escoc. O (phonetic alphabet)
cine The term "Oscar" was coined by an anonymous person who remarked that the statue looked like their Uncle Oscar.
OSCAR ['ɔskə] abbr.
abrev. Occupational Skills Competition And Review; Orbital Satellite Carrying Amateur Radio; Oil Spill Containment And Recovery unit (Leonid Dzhepko); OnScreen Configuration & Activity Reporting (Apex); Orbiting Satellite Carry Amateur Radio (1st launched 12 Dec 1961)
abrev., astron. Orbiting Satellite Carrying Amateur Radio
abrev., cuid., med. Open Source Clinical Application Resource
abrev., educ. Open School Courses And Resources; Our School Cares About Reading
abrev., educ., cient. Ofw Student Consulting And Research; Ohio State Catalog Of Automated Resources
abrev., electr. optical submarine communications by aerospace relay; order status control and reporting; overnight statewide customer accounting reporting
abrev., escoc. Outside Cable Rehabilitation (US Army)
abrev., IT Open Standard Codes And Routines; optically scanned character automatic retrieval
abrev., mil. Outside Cable Rehabilitation
abrev., náut., cient. Orbiting Satellites Carrying Amateur Radio
abrev., progr., IT Online Software Catalog And Reference
abrev., red d., IT Open Source Cluster Application Resource
mil., abrev. operations, scheduling, control and reporting
tec., abrev. optically scanned character automatic reader
OSCARS abbr.
abrev., avia. on-line order status control and reporting system; one way synchronous collision avoidance and ranging system
abrev., inmigr. One Stop Change of Address Reporting Service by Immigration and Checkpoint Authority (Singapore gulnara11)
abrev., mil., avia. one-way synchronous collision avoidance and ranging system
OSCAR ['ɔskə] abbr.
abrev., petról. oscillogram scan and recorder