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SD s
nombr. Département du développement durable
tec., quím. fiche de données de sécurité
 Inglés tesauro
sd abbr.
abrev. semidiameter; sound; subdivision; sudden death
abrev., cienc. seasoned
abrev., negoc. said
abrev., petról. sandy
abrev., teng. sine die (Yeldar Azanbayev)
biol. standard deviation
med. single dose (Andy)
náut. single decker (однопалубное судно Natmade)
petr. w/SG sand with show of gas; w/SO sand with show of oil
poligr. sewed
sajal. sand or sandstone
sd. abbr.
abrev., carg. said; sewed
abrev., econ. signed
abrev., tec. semidiameter
polím. seasoned; sedimentation
SD abbr.
abrev. San Diego, California; Scooby Doo; Senate District; Side; Sindhi; Social Distortion; Software Development; South Dakota; Sustainable Development; A Specific Duty; Same Domain; stable disease (Ying); San Diego Field Office; Saving The Data; Scattered Disk; Second Difference; Secretary of Defense; Security Division; Selective Default; Self Delete; Self-Describing (file, HP); Semi Discrete; Senior Deacon; Senior Dinner; Senior Director; Session Directory; Shady Deal; Shit Drawing; Shoulder Disarticulation; shower drain; Single Droplet; Sketch Dimension; Small Dual In-line Package; Social Democrat; Solicitation Document; Somewhat Dependable; Sorted Directory; Sound Dampened; Sound Designer; Source To Destination; Space Detective; Space Director; Specially Denatured; Splitter Damper; Spool Directory; Sport Deck; Square-law Detector; stage direction; Standard Displacement; Standardization Document (Vosoni); Standby Distribution; Star Delta; Start Delimiter (Vosoni); Starting Delimiter (FDDI, Token Ring); State Department; Static Dissipation; Stepfamily Day; Sterling Diamond; Steve Dagley; Strategic Command Directive; Strongly Disagree (in surveys Fesenko); Stupid Dick; Submarine Dutch; Submittal Description; Submitted Data; Sun Dome; Super Drive; Super Dumb; Super Duraluminum; Supplementary Deposit; Synchronization Directorate; Synchronous Detector; Synchronous Dynamic; Systems Directorate; sulfadiazine; Security Deposit (SBSun); Siberian Department (igisheva); space diversity; structure diagram; Scientific Design Co., Inc.; slow down; soft drawn wire; Standard Oil Co. of California; sub-depot; superduralumin; supply distance; symmetrical deformation
abrev., agric. swine dysentery
abrev., astrof. single-degenerate channel (Ying)
abrev., automóv. selective detection; software dog; spark delay; spark discharge; speed density; super de luxe; side door
abrev., avia. scan duration; scientific detective monthly; secondary depression; secretary of defence; self-destruct (destroying); serial data; series designator; serious discrepancy; shaving die; shimmy dampers; shipping documents; shutdown (engine); slender delta; source document; speciality description; stress distribution; structural dynamics; surface diagram; supplier documentation; sweep delay; system development; system drain; shared data; shipping document; side display; specification document; storm detection; supplemental data; supportability discrepance
abrev., biol. Doctor of Science; segregation distorter
abrev., buen. separation distance
abrev., calz. static dissipative (Yuriy83)
abrev., cartogr. side of drain
abrev., cienc. Sprague Dawley = Спрег-Доули (линия беспородных крыс-альбиносов вида Rattus norvegicus (Серая крыса), широко используемых в медицинских исследованиях Gilgamew); sailing direction; Southdown; saturation deficit; saturation deficiency; saturation degree; Secchi Depth; Secchi Disk; Secchi Disc; secondary dune; sedimentary; Siberian Division; simple depression; slit distance; sluice door; spherical diffusion model; square root normal distribution; storm designator; storm data; stream density; streamline diffusion; strength design; super-deep hole; system dynamics
abrev., com. Spiral Development; System Demonstration effort (part of the System Development and Demonstration phase)
abrev., comerc. single-density disk
abrev., comun. Signal Degradation
abrev., construcc. sliding door
abrev., data.prot. Security Domains
abrev., de yat. sundeck (Ying)
abrev., defens. service discovery
abrev., dep. Sudden Death
abrev., econ. domestic saving
abrev., educ. Sales And Distribution; School District; Standard Deviation
abrev., electr. space division; safety device; sampling delay; scalable decoding; scan design; scatter diagrams; section definition; selective diversity; selectively doped; self-dual; sequential decoding; sequential detection; service data (interface); shared disk; signal degrade; signal distortion; signal distributor; silent discharge; silicon-doped; simplex drop-out; single density (disk); single-diffusion drain (device); single-drift diode; single drain (structure); small-signal diode; soft decision; soft drawn; space domain; spatial disorder; spin dryer; sputter deposition; station dialing; stereo-directional; storage diode; structural defect model; subscriber data; super disc; supervisory desk; sweep driver; symmetric distortion; syndrome decoding; structured design (method); super density (disc); single domain (body)
abrev., electr., cient. San Disk
abrev., elim. scaled distance
abrev., ensayo cl. Sprague Dawley (igisheva)
abrev., escoc. Saco Defense Inc. (USA); Self Destruct; Service Dress (UK); Spatial Disorientation; Special Duties
abrev., espac. selective denial; shaft delivery; site diversity; specification detail; system display
abrev., estad. standard deviation
abrev., extens. Send Data; Sound (Entropic Sound Data format)
abrev., farm. sulphadiazine
abrev., fin. selective default
abrev., fisiol. SubDural
abrev., fisiol., med. Subdural
abrev., form. special department (igisheva); special division (igisheva)
abrev., físic. CAMAC serial driver
abrev., fútb. San Diego Chargers
abrev., genét. splice donor site
abrev., geod. sailing directions
abrev., girosc. IMU strapdown inertial measurement unit
abrev., histor. super-deforme
abrev., ingl.brit. staff duties; standard dress
abrev., intern. Super Duper
abrev., IT Scsi Device; Scsi Disk; Single Data; single density (Bricker); super density; Systems Design
abrev., jur. Self Defense
abrev., kárat. systems display
abrev., lat. Sclerosis Disseminata (Рассеянный Склероз, иногда употребляется как аббревиатура, заменяющая РС, MS sidotatv)
abrev., logíst. single deck (ship, vessel)
abrev., makár. spectral density
abrev., med. Shy-Draper (syndrome); Skin Destruction; Skin Dose; Spontaneous Delivery; skew deviation (ННатальЯ); source documents (первичная документация -- термин используется в клинических исследованиях, это документация, имеющая отношение к пациенту-участнику клинического исследования George Debugger); Stable Disease (стабилизация заболевания, употребляется в онкологии как вариант ответа на лечение sidotatv); standard deviation (стандартное отклонение Efimovich); Danforth's short tail; Sanitary Department; Sanitary Depot; senile demention; shoulder dislocation; sickle cell hemoglobin D; systolic discharge; shoulder disarticulation; septal defect; secondary diagnosis (Ying); streptodornase
abrev., medios. memory
abrev., meteorol. soft-drawn
abrev., micr. security descriptor (ssn)
abrev., mil. strategy division
abrev., nacion. Supply Division (Игорь_2006)
abrev., negoc. safe deposit; sans date; seed; semantic differential; semi diameter; shop drawing; should; signed; sort depot; sorting depot; student discount; subdepot; sundries
abrev., nombr. Dipartimento sviluppo sostenibile
abrev., náut. Single Decker; single-decker
abrev., perf. sandstone
abrev., petról. sand; shirttail damage (andrushin); shut down (andrushin); strata dip; saddle dolomite; Safety Directorate; sand content; Sand Devil; sea damage; seadrome; sectional drawing; setting depth; shale density; shut-down; side draft; sight-draft; Silurian and Devonian; simulated distillation; slow degradation; sonic detector; spark discharger; spectrochemical determination; start depth for depth system failures; steam drive; study and development; surface diffuser; symmetric deformation; system damage; system design; system diagram
abrev., poligr. single density disk
abrev., polím. solid-drawn; stream day
abrev., polít. Sudan; Sardinia (Sardegna)
abrev., publ. strategy director
abrev., quím. spin delocalization; steam distillation (I. Havkin)
abrev., sajal. State Duma
abrev., sist., IT Secure Data; Secure Digital
abrev., tec. space design; suction dredger
abrev., telecom. Session Director (Artjaazz); Standard Definition (Romajan)
abrev., textil semi-dull (Refers to fabric from manufactured yarn that has been delustered to reduce but not completely eliminate the shine.; полуматированная нить Mykael); sea-damaged
abrev., valor. standard deduction
fisiol. Sterile dressing
industr. sample design; sea damaged; sensitive data; sold domestically; source data; source distribution; stack draft; step down; surveillance dosimetry
invers. sight draft
meteorol. same date; several dates; storm detection reports
mil. safety destructor; salvage depot; sample data; standardization directory; search depth; secret document; self-destroying; self-destruct; separation date; service depot; service document; service dress; severe damage; shell-destroying; short delay; short delivery; short duration; site defence; situation display; skin dose; space division; special delivery; special designation; special document; special duty; specification for design; staff duty; standardization data; storage depot; stores depot; straight duty; study director; supply depot; support detachment; support directive; support document; surveillance drone; survival dose; system demonstration; system description; systems development
petr. smoke detector
polít., abrev. Sardinia Sardegna
tec. sample delay; Schottky diode; scram discharge; selenium diode; semi-diameter; service delay; shutdown; signal-to-distortion; slow-down relay; source-drain; spectral distribution; standard drawing; standards development; station directive; stores department; submarine detector; supply duct; system deployment
Sd abbr.
abrev. siderite; sulfides
abrev., tec. Syndet
petr. SO sand showing oil
Sd. abbr.
abrev., cienc. sound
SD. abbr.
abrev., lat. Sedit ("he sat")
SDMF abbr.
abrev., sajal. Sustainable Development (Shell; Management Framework Sakhalin Energy)
: 14 a las frases, 6 temas
Física nuclear2
Nombre de la organización2