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UI abbr.
micr. IU (The portion of a program with which a user interacts)
 Inglés tesauro
UI abbr.
abrev., automóv. unit injector
abrev., avia. unit investigation; unit issue
abrev., defens. user isochronous user data
abrev., electr. user interface; universal instrument
abrev., ferroc. international system of units
abrev., med. urinary incontinence (у женщин в период менопаузы; Urinary incontinence (UI), involuntary urination, or enuresis is any involuntary leakage of urine. It can be a common and distressing problem, which may have a profound impact on quality of life. Urinary incontinence almost always results from an underlying treatable medical condition but is under-reported to medical practitioners. WK Alexander Demidov); urgent incontinence; uroporphyrin isomerase
abrev., mil., avia. umbilical interface
abrev., textil Underwear Institute
nasa., abrev. Ariel (Uranus satellite number 1)
UI abbr.
abrev. Ariel; Ultraviolet Imaging; Unemployment Insurance; Union Initiative; Unit International; Unit Interval; Unreported Income; University of Illinois, Urbana
abrev., avia. unrecognized information; urgent interrupt; user identification
abrev., cienc. University of Iowa; uranium I
abrev., com. unite internationale
abrev., crom. Unspecified and Unidentified Impurities (Игорь_2006)
abrev., educ., cient. University of Illinois; Urban Institute
abrev., escoc. Unicorn International Pte Ltd (Singapore)
abrev., extens. Unix International
abrev., fin. undistributed income
abrev., intern. U And I
abrev., IT Geoworks U I Compiler Espire language source code file; Unnumbered Information; Unsigned Index; Unsigned Integer; User Interface; User interface; Universal Input (Yanick); unlock instruction
abrev., marc. Umbrella, Inc.; United Illuminating
abrev., mil. Unit of Issue
abrev., nacion. Unofficial International
abrev., petról. Underwater Institute; Underwater Instrumentation
abrev., prueb. ultrasonic inspection (igisheva)
abrev., red d. unique IP
abrev., red d., IT Uniform Interface; User Infrastructure
abrev., sist., IT Unauthorized Information
abrev., tec. unified interpretations
mil. Unidentified
: 18 a las frases, 4 temas