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micr. chargeur automatique de documents (An attachment available on some scanners that allows automatic scanning of multiple pages)
ADF abbr.
nacion., afgan. Forum annuel de développement de l'Afghanistan
 Inglés tesauro
ADF abbr.
abrev. Alliance Defense Fund; Allied Democratic Forces; Absolutely Daft Fool; Access control Decision Function (Mil., USA); ACM Managed Dealer Income Fund; Asian Development Fund; Australian Defense Force; automatic direction finding; Average Dumb Fan
abrev., automóv. Automotive Distribution Federation
abrev., avia. automatic direction-finding equipment; anti-icing/de-icing fluid; auxiliary detonating fuse
abrev., avia., amer. automatic direction finder or automatic direction-finding equipment
abrev., avia., canad. adjusted delay factor
abrev., cartogr. automatic direction finding equipment (chart)
abrev., comp. automatic document feeder (Berke)
abrev., comp., IT Alternate Delivery Format
abrev., comun. Audio Distribution Frame; automatic document feed
abrev., contr. asymptotically distribution-free
abrev., econ. African Development Foundation; approved deposit fund
abrev., electr. adaptive digital filtering; analog distribution frame; application development facility; authentication data function; automatic domain formation; automation design fitting
abrev., escoc. Aerial Direction Finding; Air Defence Fighter
abrev., fin. Andorran Franc; AfDF
abrev., IT Administration configuration file; Advance Data Format; Amiga Disc Format; Amiga Disk File; Application Dedicated File; Application Definition Format; Automatically Defined Function; adapter description file
abrev., la cr. Albanian Development Fund
abrev., med. Acid Detergent Fiber; Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dermatologische Forschung; Association Dentaire Française; Australian Doctors Fund; Australian Drug Foundation; Actin Depolymerizing Factor; ATL-derived factor
abrev., mil. Allied Demolition Force; Allocation and Distribution of Fires; Application Dependent Format; Army Description File; Australian Defence Force; Automatic Document Feeder; Automation Direction Finder; Air Defense Fighter; airborne direction finder (бортовой (радио)пеленгатор Углов); ammunition demilitarization facility
abrev., mil., avia. acquisition data form; adaptive high frequency
abrev., negoc. American duty-free (американский беспошлинный (о ввозимом товаре); сокр. Углов)
abrev., nombr. African Development Fund
abrev., náut. acoustic depth finder (акустический измеритель глубины, эхолот; сокр. Углов)
abrev., náut., cient. Administrator's Discretionary Fund; Advanced Development Facility; Average Daily Flow
abrev., plást. Acid Digestible Fiber
abrev., progr. Activity Decision Flow (формат, применяемый для экспорта моделей из WebSphere Business Integration Workbench 4.2.4. Модели в этом формате можно импортировать в WebSphere Business Modeler. См. глоссарий основных терминов, применяемых в IBM WebSphere Business Modeler Advanced версии 6.0.2 ssn)
abrev., quím., cient. Acid Detergent Fibre
abrev., red d. adapter definition file
abrev., relac. air defence
abrev., segur. after deducting freight (после вычета платы за провоз; сокр. Углов)
abrev., tec. applied deflective force; procedure turn
abrev., transp. Automatic Direction Finder
meteorol. automatic direction finder equipment
mil. air defense force; Alaska defense frontier; assured destruction forces; automatic direction finder; auxiliary detonating fuze
tec. air direction finder; automatic display finder
tec., abrev. acoustic depth finder
.ADF abbr.
abrev. Adapter Description File (IBM)
.adf s
extens. Adapter Description File (file name extension, IBM)
adf s
negoc. Airline Dispatchers Federation (Mifta)
ADF abbr.
abrev. Application Definition File (aht)
abrev., avia. Aircraft Deicing Fluid (Баян); aerodynamic data file; Anti-icing fluid; Deicing Fluid
abrev., espac. asset defense file
abrev., invest. auxiliary data folder (igisheva)
abrev., minería African Development Forum (estherik)
abrev., negoc. after deducting freight; agricultural development fund; asymptotically distribution free
abrev., petról. adaptive data filtering; aerodynamic drag factor; aerosolized diesel fuel; alternating double filtration; aragonite diagenetic facies; automatic diverter flowmeter
: 16 a las frases, 5 temas
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