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 Inglés tesauro
ctr abbr.
abrev. central; centre (Vosoni); counter; cistern
abrev., tipogr. centre the line
logíst. container (в экспортной декларации Bobb)
polím. center
ctr. abbr.
abrev. contra
CTR abbr.
abrev. controlled thermonuclear reactor; critical temperature range; Choose The Right; columbia university Center for Telecommunications Research (organization, USA); click-through rate (ННатальЯ); Common Technical Regulations (Europa); contour; cutter; Currency Transaction Report (dms); click through rate (кликабельность - возможность перейти куда-то "кликнув", то есть, по сути, наличие связи между тем или иным текстом или изображением и другим "контентом", срабатывающей при нажатии кнопки мыши - ссылки. В данном случае речь идет об отношении числа "кликов" на рекламную ссылку (то есть переходов по ней) к числу показов рекламного объявления, т. е. о коэффициенте, характеризующем эффективность рекламы через заинтересованность потенциальных клиентов. gconnell); click through ratio
abrev., ambient. Cooperative Threat Reduction
abrev., automóv. critical temperature resistance
abrev., avia. control zone (MichaelBurov); certification test requirement; contract technical representative; control; controllable twist rotor; customer table requirements; cycle time reduction
abrev., burs. Cabot Industrial Trust
abrev., com. contractual technical report; contractual technical requirements
abrev., contr. Crack Thickness Ratio (annvoron)
abrev., cuid. Clinical Trials Regulation (CRINKUM-CRANKUM)
abrev., defens. convergence and tracking rate
abrev., dep. Crash Team Racing
abrev., educ. Cowboys Take Risks
abrev., electr. chemical transport reaction; cohesive technical resources; common technical regulation; complementary transistor register; counter register; customer trouble report; click-through ratio
abrev., electr., cient. Current Transfer Ratio
abrev., electrón. common technical regulations
abrev., ensayo cl. clinical trials registry (ННатальЯ); contrast-to-tissue ratio (iwona); common treatment response (iwona)
abrev., escoc. Close Target Recce
abrev., espac. C-band tracking radar; contract technical report; contract technical requirements
abrev., ferroc. Clinton Terminal Railroad Company
abrev., fisiol. CardioThoracic Ratio
abrev., gest. central tender board; sheet cost, time
abrev., impuest. corporate tax rate (Stepney)
abrev., intern. Click Thru Rate; click-through-rates (Artjaazz)
abrev., IT core-transistor register; computer tape reader
abrev., lab.eq. Cardiac Transplant Research; Clinical Trials Research
abrev., med. Cancer Therapy Reviews; Carpal Tunnel Release; Cardio-Thoracic Ratio (harser)
abrev., nacion. cooperative threat reduction
abrev., negoc. container; contract; contractual technical requirement; contributor
abrev., náut. Container Fitted
abrev., oftalm. capsular tension ring (Rada0414)
abrev., oncol. California Tumor Registry
abrev., petról. cost, time, resources; constant temperature retraction (test); continuous tube reactor; corrected average temperature rise; critical temperature resistor
abrev., publ. click/through ratio
abrev., rel. Choose To Repent
abrev., sajal. Cost - Time - Resource (a form); Cost, Time and Resources (contractor); Cost, Time, Resources (sheet Sakhalin Energy); Cost-Time-Resource; cost and time resource document
abrev., tec. core transistor register
abrev., textil Council for Textile Recycling
abrev., transp. Civil Tilt Rotor
abrev., ópt. cloud-top radiometer; current transfer ratio
comp., abrev. carrier and timing recovery
industr., abrev. certified test reactor; certified test results
meteorol., abrev. airdrome control region
mil., abrev. certified test requirements; consolidated training request; controlled thermonuclear reaction; cooperative target recognition
tec., abrev. carrier telegraph receiver; certified test record; clean thermonuclear reactor; collector transition region; communications technician, collection; control character; control key; control zone; controlled thermonuclear research
tec., mil., avia. cassette tape recorder
Ctr. abbr.
abrev., cienc. center; centre
ctrs abbr.
abrev., tec. centre; centres
Ctr abbr.
abrev., cienc. crater