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 Inglés tesauro
gm abbr.
abrev. Gibbs function per molecule; gramme; grist-mill
abrev., cienc. gamma; gigameter
abrev., electr. transconductance
abrev., med. gram; gramme; grandmother
agric. grade-marked
IT group mark
petr. pressure gradient of mud in annulus
gm. abbr.
abrev., cienc. gram; gramme
abrev., tec. gram, gramme
minería gram (me)
GM abbr.
abrev. Geiger Mueller; General Midi; Gold Master; Geiger-Muller counter; General MIDI (standard, MIDI); metacentric height; Gutter Mouth; grain modulus; general metallurgy; General Motors Corp.; good middling
abrev., agric. green manure
abrev., ajedr. grandmaster
abrev., anat. gastrocnemius medialis (iwona)
abrev., avia. General Manager; green maintenance; guidance material; G load maximum; geographic mile; gold medal
abrev., biol. growth medium (trivial matter)
abrev., burs. General Motors Corporation
abrev., cartogr. grist mill
abrev., cienc. Garrett Model; Garrett-Munk Internal Wave Spectrum; General Mining Union Corp.; geotrophic momentum; graphitic marble; ground measurement; ground maintenance; ground moraine; groundwater mounding; grouting method; gumbelite
abrev., cient. Get Me
abrev., com. goldmark
abrev., comp. gated memory
abrev., cont. gross margin (from sales)
abrev., contr. geometric mean; Green Muscle
abrev., defens. global mode; group management
abrev., dep. Game Master; Games Master; game misconduct
abrev., electr. gate matrix; gate modulation; good machine; graphics manager; green machine; ground malfunction; ground melt; group modulation
abrev., espac. guaranteed minimum
abrev., extens. Bitmap graphics (Autologic files)
abrev., farmac. general monograph (igisheva); Manufacturer guarantees (отметка в сертификате о гарантии производителем соответствия продукта требованиям качества (по данному показателю) Игорь_2006)
abrev., fisiol. Grand Mal epilepsy
abrev., fisiol., med. Gross motor
abrev., físic. Geiger-Müller counter
abrev., industr. genetically modofied (containing genetic material that has been artificially altered Val_Ships)
abrev., ingl.brit. George Medal
abrev., intern. Good Morning
abrev., IT Good Message; global memory
abrev., la cr. good medal
abrev., léxic. Game Masters
abrev., marc. General Mills
abrev., med. Gastric Mucosa; Gastrocnemius (muscle); Genetically Modified; gray matter (Игорь_2006); gamma marker; general medical; gentamicin sulfate; grand mal; grand multiparity
abrev., mil. Guided Missile; Gunner's Mate; group modem; gun maintenance
abrev., mil., avia. gain margin
abrev., nacion., ecol. Global Mechanism
abrev., negoc. general material; General Merchandise; general mortgage; geometric modeling; gold market; Grade Marked; gun metal; genetically-modified
abrev., nombr. Global Mechanism of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification; General Motor Corporation
abrev., odont. gingival margin (MichaelBurov)
abrev., petról. gradient mud (andrushin); GradioManometer Tool (glenfoo); gradiometer; ground based measurement; gravity meter; galactomannan; Geological Museum; geomorphology; good-merchandise; governor motor; gradiomanometer; granular-media; gravity & magnetics; ground mass; ground measurement (elevation); elementary gravity and magnetics for geologists and seismologists
abrev., polím. FGM (MichaelBurov); functionally graded material (MichaelBurov); graded material (MichaelBurov); gauge magnification; good merchantable; glass mat; gradient material (MichaelBurov); functionally gradient material (MichaelBurov)
abrev., polít. Gambia
abrev., progr., IT Game Maker
abrev., red d. general manager
abrev., sajal. gravity metacenter
abrev., segur. Transverse Metacentric Height
abrev., softw. gold master (Software release life cycle Artjaazz)
abrev., transp. General Motors
industr., abrev. gel membrane
mil., abrev. Greenwich meridian; gaseous mixture; general maintenance; general message; ground map; ground mapping; group, mobile; guard mail; guided missile; gun module
petr., abrev. estimated equivalent process gain
polít., abrev. Germany
tec., abrev. geosynchronous mirror; glass/metal; grid modulation; groups per message
Gm abbr.
abrev. gentamycin; geometric factor of mud; Gibbs function per mol; 1-methylguanylic acid
abrev., cienc. gramicidin; groundmass
abrev., fís. mutual conductance
abrev., petról. mud gradient; grams; mud geometry factor