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get [get] s
gen. ekhavi; havigi; igi; malfruiĝi; preni; ricevi; venigi; akiri; alveni; atingi; havigi al si; irpreni; provizi sin per
 Inglés tesauro
get [get] s
vulg. ticket
GET [get] abbr.
abrev. Greenwich Electronic Time; ground elapsed time; Group Execute Trigger (Vosoni)
abrev., armas. geological, environmental, and toxicological monitoring
abrev., avia. Geraldton, Western Australia, Australia
abrev., burs. Gaylord Entertainment Company; Global Electronic Trading
abrev., constr. Ground Engaging Tools (njelezn)
abrev., educ. Goodwill And Education Together
abrev., educ., cient. Graduate Employment And Training; Graduation Employment And Transfer
abrev., electr. general translator; graphics editing of text; grounded emitter transistor
abrev., escoc. Ground Elapsed Time
abrev., extens. Get Execute Trigger
abrev., fin. Global Environment Trust Fund
abrev., med. Gastric Emptying Time; General Endotracheal (anesthesia); Graded Treadmill Exercise Test; Guide Des Équivalents Thérapeutiques; Getah
abrev., mil., avia. graphical exploitation tool
abrev., polic. Gang Enforcement Team
abrev., telecom. Generalized Euler Transform (key2russia)
apol., abrev. ground elapsed time (flight time
industr. gas expansion turbine
tec. general employee training; Germanium transistor
GET [get] abbr.
abrev., amer. Guaranteed Education Tuition (a prepaid-tuition program for some state's public colleges Val_Ships)
GET [get] abbr.
abrev. Ground Engaging Tool (MingNa)
abrev., cienc. geoscience transect
abrev., nombr. Getty Oil Company
: 116 a las frases, 1 temas