
   Danés Inglés
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 Inglés tesauro
SOM abbr.
abrev. Cushitic: East : Somali: SOMALI; Finnish Options Market; School Of Medicine; Secondary Operation Machine; Secret Organized Mafia; Senior Official's Meeting; Share Of Market; Somali; Support Original Music; Cushitic: East: Somali: SOMALI; SACLANT staff organization manual; See Our Message; Self-Organizing Machine; Sexy Old Man; Standing Group on the Oil Market; Stockholm Option Market; Structured Object Method
abrev., avia. San Tome, Venezuela; Specialty Operations Manual; ship operations manager; space organization method
abrev., cartogr. Space Oblique Mercator (проекция "искаженных площадей" Меркатора; projection Cartograph)
abrev., cienc. soil organic matter
abrev., educ., cient. Science Of Mind
abrev., electr. start of message; security on message; self-organizing model; self-oscillating mode; simulation option model; spin-on material; stand-off missile; sulphuric ozone mixture
abrev., electr., cient. System On Module
abrev., equip. shop order management
abrev., escoc. Search-on-the-Move; Senior Officials' Meeting (ASEAN); Standard Operations Manual
abrev., extens. Start of Message; Sort information (Paradox)
abrev., fant. Sons Of The Moon; Subject Object Metaphysics
abrev., ferroc. Somerset Railroad Corporation
abrev., IT Quattro Pro Network serial numbers; Sort information; System Object Model
abrev., marc. Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, LLP
abrev., med. Society Of Occupational Medicine; Superior Oblique Muscle; Sustained Outward Movement (heart)
abrev., medios. Society Opinion Media
abrev., mil. Software Operators Manual; satellite communications SATCOM operational manager; system operational manager
abrev., nanot. scanning optical microscopy
abrev., nombr. Senior Officers Meeting
abrev., petról. sedimentary organic matter; soluble organic matter
abrev., progr. service-oriented modeling (ssn)
abrev., recurs. service-oriented management
abrev., redes. self-organizing map (самоорганизующаяся карта Кохонена (нейронная сеть с обучением без учителя, выполняющая задачу визуализации и кластеризации. Идея сети предложена финским учёным Т. Кохоненом). Ying)
abrev., rel. Society Of Masks
abrev., sajal. Statutory Operations Manual
abrev., silvicult. space oblique mercator
abrev., tec. Skidmore Owings and Merrill architects
abrev., transp. Self Organizing Map
mil. scheme of manoeuvre; Soldier of the Month; standard operating manual; standoff missile
tec. scanning optical microscope; self-orientation mechanism; shift operations manager; soundman; start of message character
Som. abbr.
abrev. Somersetshire (Anglophile)
abrev., cienc. Somaliland; Somerset (shire)
geogr. Somalia (Vosoni)
som abbr.
abrev. somatology
SOM abbr.
abrev. start-of-message
abrev., avia. seats occupied message; software operator manual
abrev., cienc. self-organizing feature map
abrev., dep., fisiol. somatomedin
abrev., espac. simulation object model; spacecraft operations manual; stand off missile; standard on-line module
abrev., fin. Finish Options Market
abrev., negoc. some
abrev., petról. sandy oomicrite; scattered organic material; self-organizing mapping; solid organic matter; Somalia; sonic oscilloscope module; structureless organic matter; successive overrelaxation method
abrev., telecom. self-organizing map
SOM abbr.
abrev., clim. Slab Ocean Model (aselibrary.ru dimock)
som: 5 a las frases, 5 temas
Ciencias de la vida1
Piscicultura piscicultura1
Recursos naturales y conservación de la vida silvestre.1