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comp [kɔmp] s
gen. 伴奏; 排字工人; 竞争; 免费招待; 赠券; 补偿; 弥补; 抵消
repr.biol. 复合的; 复方的
CoMP [kɔmp] s
IT 协同多点 (coordinate multiple points)
 Inglés tesauro
comp [kɔmp] abbr.
abrev. accompaniment; company; comparative; compare; comparison; compartment; compass; compensating; compensator; competition; complement; component; composer; composite; composition; compounded; comprehensive; computation; computer
abrev., cienc. compression
abrev., IT computational real
abrev., med. complaint; complemented
abrev., med., lat. compositus
abrev., perf. completion
abrev., petról. compiled by; compilers; completeing, ed, ion
argot complimentary ticket
estados. compensate; compensation; comptroller
IT compilation
poligr. compositor
quím. compound
comp. abbr.
abrev. compiler (Vosoni); compare; compartment; compensating; complete; compress; computer
abrev., carg. compilator; compiled; composer
abrev., cienc. comparative; compilation; completed; complex; comprise
abrev., com. comptroller
abrev., med. compound; compounded of
abrev., tipogr. compositor
equip. compensation; compressor
polím. component; composite; composition
COMP [kɔmp] abbr.
abrev. Committee on Orphan Medicinal Products (XnuttyX); Charlotte Ordnance Missile Plant; compiler
abrev., cuid., med. The Comprehensive Obesity Management Program
abrev., dep. competition
abrev., electr. comparator
abrev., escoc. Corps Ordnance Maintenance Park
abrev., farm. cyclophosphamide, vincristine, methotrexate and prednisone
abrev., farmac. Committee for Orphan Medicinal Products (ochernen)
abrev., fisiol. cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (Игорь_2006)
abrev., fisiol., med. Cartilage Oligometic Matrix Protein; Compound
abrev., med. Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein; Cells Outside The Main Population; Complication; Cyclophosphamide, Vincristine, Methotrexate, Prednisone; College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific
abrev., mil., avia. celestial object monitoring program
abrev., negoc. companion; compete; competitive; competitor; compress; comprise; comprising
abrev., perf. completed
abrev., petról. complete (andrushin); computerized oil/gas modeling program
mil. Compatible
Comp. abbr.
abrev. Compression (A Hun)
CoMP [kɔmp] abbr.
abrev. coordinate multiple points
Comp. s
jur. company
Comp [kɔmp] abbr.
abrev. Compressor
comps. abbr.
abrev., cienc. compounds
comp: 32 a las frases, 14 temas
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