
   Inglés Árabe
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gen. منصب; نشر على الويب; يعين
econ. وظيفة; قيد
ilum. مسمار تثبيت
med. وِتَاد
proc. عمود; دعامة
red d. إرسال
| market
ambient. سوق
| performance
nacion. jur. أمر بالتنفيذ
| follow-up
mat. متابعة
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sustantivo | verbo | adjetivo | abreviatura | a las frases
post [pəust] s
micr. ينشر (" To submit an article in a newsgroup or other online conference or forum. The term is derived from the "posting" of a notice on a physical bulletin board.")   ؛نشر f (" To submit an article in a newsgroup or other online conference or forum. The term is derived from the "posting" of a notice on a physical bulletin board.")
post [pəust] v
gen. منصب   ؛نشر على الويب   ؛يعين
econ. وظيفة   ؛قيد   ؛رحل بالدفاتر   ؛أدرج   ؛أرسل بالبريد
ilum. مسمار تثبيت
med. وِتَاد
proc. عمود   ؛دعامة
red d. إرسال
post- v
med. سابقة بمعنى الخَلْف (من حيث المكان)
post [pəust] adj.
micr. نشرة (A message that appears in a newsgroup, public folder, or other forum accessible by a number of individuals)   ؛ترحيل (To enter a debit or a credit into an account)
 Inglés tesauro
POST [pəust] abbr.
abrev. Cypost Corporation   ؛Point Of Sale Terminal   ؛Pictures Of Stupid Things   ؛Power-On Self Test
abrev., avia. payload operations support team   ؛portable optical sensor tester   ؛power on selftest
abrev., electr. phase shifting on the substrate   ؛piezoelectric oscillator self-tuned   ؛power-on system test
abrev., electr., cient. Power On System Test
abrev., escoc. Passive Optical Seeker Technology   ؛Portable Optical Sensor Test-bed   ؛Production-Oriented Scheduling Technique
abrev., fisiol., med. Physician Orders For Scope Of Treatment
abrev., IT Power - On Self Test
abrev., jur. Peace Officers Standards And Training
abrev., med. peritoneal ovocyte and sperm transfer (Chita)
abrev., medios. The Washington Post
abrev., micr. power-on self test (A set of routines stored in read-only memory (ROM) that tests various system components such as RAM, the disk drives, and the keyboard, to see if they are properly connected and operating. If problems are found, these routines alert the user with a series of beeps or a message, often accompanied by a diagnostic numeric value. If the POST is successful, it passes control to the bootstrap loader)
abrev., mil. Passive Optical Seeker Technique   ؛Portable Optical Sensor Tester   ؛Post Officer Security Training   ؛Power On Self Test   ؛Programmable Optical Sensor Tracter   ؛Prototype Ocean Surveillance Terminal   ؛Prototype Ocean Surveillance Tracker
abrev., mil., avia. Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology
abrev., red d. power-on self-test   ؛procedure of self-testing
abrev., red d., IT Printer Online Standard Test
comp. power-on-selftest
mil. passive optical scan tracker   ؛passive optical seeker technique   ؛portable optical sensor tester
tec. program to optimize simulated trajectory
post [pəust] abbr.
abrev. postage   ؛postal   ؛posterior
abrev., med. posterior   ؛postmortem
abrev., publ. post-test
equip. postprocessor
mil., abrev. pt
post. abbr.
abrev., com. postal
POSTS abbr.
abrev., med. positive occipital sharp transient of sleep
post. abbr.
abrev., med. posterior
POSTS abbr.
abrev., med. positive occipital sharp transients of sleep (la_tramontana)
Post [pəust] v
fisiol., abrev. P
PoST [pəust] abbr.
abrev. Portable Satellite Terminal
POST [pəust] abbr.
abrev. point-of-sale terminal
abrev., avia. passive optical seeker technique (technology)   ؛power on self test
abrev., econ. point of sale terminal
abrev., espac. production-oriented scheduling technique
abrev., IT power-on self test
abrev., perf. power-on-self-test
abrev., petról. pack off stage tool
abrev., telecom. Power-On Self-Test
abrev., textil Polymer Science and Technology
: 3 a las frases, 2 temas
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