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aer- s
med. سابقة بمعنى الهَوَاءُ
 Inglés tesauro
AER [e(ɪ)r-] abbr.
abrev. Accurate, Efficient, Reliable   ؛Annual Equivalent Rate   ؛Annual Equivalent Return   ؛Association for Education Rehabilitation   ؛aerodynamic (аэродинамический Углов)   ؛aerodynamics (аэродинамика Углов)   ؛after engine room   ؛Alliance to End Repression   ؛Alpha Epsilon Rho (Lena Nolte)   ؛Applicant Environmental Report   ؛Association Europeene de Radiologie   ؛Association for Education by Radio (Ассоциация содействия распространению образования посредством радио (США, Великобритания) Углов)   ؛adverse event report   ؛anion exchang resin
abrev., aerod. area expansion ratio in wind tunnel (коэффициент расширения площади в аэродинамической трубе; сокр. Углов)
abrev., ambient. Alternative Energy Requirement
abrev., automóv. automotive engineer registered   ؛Automotive Engine Rebuilders Association
abrev., avia. Adler/ Sochi, Russia   ؛air expansion radio   ؛area expansion radio
abrev., burs. Aegis Realty, Inc.
abrev., econ. American Economic Review (наименование американского периодического издания по экономическим вопросам; сокр. Углов)
abrev., electr. alpha emission rate
abrev., equip. average evoke response (усреднённый отклик Углов)
abrev., fin. Automated Expense Reporting (Автоматизированная система отчетности по командировочным расходам (термин Бейкер Хьюз) Nina_Strogonova)
abrev., fisiol., med. Aerosol Liquid   ؛Auditory Evoked Response
abrev., gest. applicable exchange rate
abrev., ingl.brit. Army Emergency Reserve   ؛army engineer regiment
abrev., mat., cient. Average Error Rate
abrev., med. Apical Ectodermal Ridge   ؛Adverse Event Report (ННатальЯ)   ؛Adverse Event Reporting (Katherine Schepilova)   ؛Albumin Excretion Rate   ؛acute exertional rhabdomyolysis   ؛aldosterone excretion rate   ؛auditory averaged evoked response   ؛averaged electroencephalic response   ؛average evoked responses
abrev., medios. The American Economic Review
abrev., mil. Army Emergency Relief   ؛alteration equivalent to repair (переоборудование, эквивалентное ремонту; сокр. Углов)
abrev., petr. Annual Environmental Report (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abrev., petról. Appropriate Extent of Remedy
abrev., sist. Australian Energy Regulator (MichaelBurov)
industr. air equivalent ratio   ؛annual effluent release   ؛atmospheric and environmental research
mil. airman effectiveness report   ؛azimuth, elevation, range
tec. antenna effective resistance   ؛Atomic energy research   ؛auxiliary emergency relay   ؛average estimated reliability
tec., abrev. alteration equivalent to repair
aer. abbr.
abrev. aerodrome   ؛aerodynamics   ؛aeronautics   ؛aeronautical   ؛aeroplane
aer [e(ɪ)r-] abbr.
abrev. aerodrome   ؛aeronautics   ؛aeroplane
Aer [e(ɪ)r-] abbr.
abrev., petról. Aeronian
AER [e(ɪ)r-] abbr.
abrev. Aeronautical Engineering Research, Inc.
abrev., avia. approach end of runway   ؛aeronautical engineering report
abrev., cienc. absolute error
abrev., espac. air expansion ratio   ؛area expansion ratio   ؛aerospace engineering report
abrev., med. asthma exacerbation rate (ННатальЯ)
abrev., negoc. aerodromic   ؛aerodromics   ؛aeronautical
abrev., ortop. active external rotation (iwona)
abrev., petról. acoustic evoked response   ؛aeration   ؛aerator   ؛air entraining reagent   ؛anion exchange resin   ؛average evoked response
abrev., tec. absorption of electromagnetic radiation
abrev., telecom. Advanced Error Reporting (термин из документов CRAY vasuk)