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Plug and Play [ˌplʌɡǝn'pleɪ]
IT Schnellinstallation f
IT, ingl. Plug and Play
micr. Plug & Play (A type of device, such as a game controller or printer, that automatically works when you connect it to your computer. The computer configures the settings and installs the necessary drivers by itself)
plug and play [ˌplʌɡǝn'pleɪ]
comp. einstecken und einschalten; einstecken&einschalten; anschließen und benutzen
comp. Plug-and-Play- m
comun. einstecken und spielen (PC upgrade without initialization)
 Inglés tesauro
Plug and Play [ˌplʌɡǝn'pleɪ]
abrev., red d. PnP
plug -and-play
: 3 a las frases, 1 temas