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neg. abbr.
abrev. negative
 Inglés tesauro
neg abbr.
abrev. negatively
neg. abbr.
abrev. negligence
abrev., com. negotiable
neg abbr.
abrev., electr. negligible
neg. s
contr. negative
neg s
polím. negative
NEG abbr.
abrev., avia. Negril, Jamaica
abrev., burs. Energy East Corporation
abrev., electr. Nippon Electric Glass Co., Ltd.; non-evaporative getter
abrev., fisiol., med. NEGative
abrev., IT Negation
abrev., med. Negishi
abrev., náut., cient. Numerical Experimentation Group
abrev., serv. Negative (MODS report abbreviation)
progr., IT Negate
NEGS abbr.
abrev. Net Export of Goods and Services (Vosoni)
abrev., biot. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium (Altuntash)
abrev., ferroc. New England Southern Railroad Company
Neg abbr.
abrev. Negro
abrev., la cr. net energy for gain
NEG abbr.
abrev., cienc. nickel equivalent grade
abrev., negoc. negligence; negotiate