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data ['deɪtə] s
gen. Angaben f; Daten; Einzelheiten f; Unterlagen m
astr. Angaben f (sg. datum); Daten (sg. datum)
comp. Daten (plural)
econ. Daten (Meß-, Versuchswerte)
educ. Datei f; Thematik f; Themenkreis m; Material n
estad. Beobachtungsmaterial n
físic. Messergebnisse m; Messdaten n
instr. Meßwerte m
micr. Informationen f
negoc. Gegebenheiten f; Zahlen f
quím. Date n
tec. Grundlage f; Information f; Meßwert m; Zahl f; Angaben Daten; Befunde m; Angabe f; Mess- u. Versuchswerte; Richtwerte m
data ['deɪtə] s
comun. Datenmaterial n
instr. Werte m
micr. Daten (A representation of facts, concepts or instructions in a formalized manner, suitable for communication, interpretation or processing)
transp., tec. Kennwerte m
ópt. Zahlenmaterial n
datum ['deɪtəm] s
electr. Bezugsgröße f; Datum n
fís. Bestimmungsgröße f; Kenngröße f; Kennwert m
mat. Daten
tec. Bezugselement n; Bezugspunkt m
tec., constr. Bezugslinie f
transp. Bezugshorizont m; Horizontale n
transp., constr. Bezugsebene f; Horizont m
vertical datum ['deɪtəm] s
ópt. Bezugshöhe f
 Inglés tesauro
data ['deɪtə] abbr.
abrev., avia. link automatic terminal information system
mil., logíst. A data is the conventional representation of a piece of information, in the analog or digital form, allowing the analyst to process it. A structured data is a data whose semantic characteristics and possibly its logical ones, are clearly defined. The characteristics of a weapon system size, speed, etc. are structured data, unlike a video document or a rough text that is composed of non structured data. (FRA)
DATA ['deɪtə] abbr.
abrev., electr. disorder activated transverse acoustic phonon
Data ['deɪtə] abbr.
abrev., extens. D (OS/2 Planner); .dta (file name extension)
red d., abrev. D
DATA ['deɪtə] abbr.
abrev. Datatrak International, Inc.; Debt Aid Trade For Africa; Debt Aids And Trade For Africa; Disability Action Training And Advocacy; Do As Time Allows; Defense Air Transport Administration; Defense Air Transportation Administration; Dumb Ass Tiny Android
abrev., educ. Desires, Aptitudes, Talents, and Assets
abrev., náut., cient. Depth, Air, Time, and Awareness
abrev., progr., IT Distributed Access Teaching Assistant
DATA ['deɪtə] abbr.
abrev., cienc. display automated telemetry analyzer
abrev., petról. digital acquisition and technical analysis (system)
data application server
: 1 a las frases, 1 temas