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Health Surveillance
 health surveillance
gen. Gesundheitsüberwachung
cuid. ärztliche Überwachung
| System
gen. Methode; System; Anlage
refr. System
tec. Anlage; Anordnung; Bauart
| for
gen. während
| Communicable Diseases
 communicable disease
gen. Infektionskrankheit
| within
gen. innerhalb von
| the
gen. den
| European
gen. europäisch
| Public Health
 public health
cuid. öffentliches Gesundheitswesen
| Information
gen. Angabe
| N
abrev. North
- se han encontrado palabras individuales

a las frases
health surveillance
gen. Gesundheitsüberwachung f
cuid. ärztliche Überwachung
quím. medizinische Überwachung
 Inglés tesauro
health surveillance
estados. The regular or repeated collection, analysis, and interpretation of health-related data and the dissemination of information to monitor the health of a population and to identify potential health risks, thereby enabling timely interventions to prevent, treat, reduce, or control disease and injury, which includes occupational and environmental health surveillance and medical surveillance subcomponents (JP 4-02)
Health Surveillance System for Communicable Diseases within the European Public Health Information
: 1 a las frases, 1 temas
Cuidado de la salud1