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Actividades de IDT
 Actividades de IDT
gen. Strategy and coordination; R&DT; Framework programme; Cooperation with non-member countries and international organisations
ambient. Environment
cienc. Life sciences and technologies
econ. cienc. targeted socioeconomic research; Human capital and mobility
| Difusion
ambient. diffusion
| y
gen. and
| Valorizacion
ambient. recovery
| de
gen. out of
| los Resultados
 el resultado
mat. result
| de
gen. out of
| las
gen. the
| Actividades
ecol. activity
| de
gen. out of
| Investigacion
econ. research
| y
gen. and
- se han encontrado palabras individuales

a las frases
Actividades de IDT
gen. Strategy and coordination; R&DT; Framework programme; Cooperation with non-member countries and international organisations
ambient. Environment
cienc. Life sciences and technologies
econ., cienc. targeted socioeconomic research; Human capital and mobility
industr. Thermonuclear fusion; Industrial and material technologies; Energy
Actividades de IDT: Difusion y Valorizacion de los Resultados de las Actividades de Investigacion y
: 1 a las frases, 1 temas