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crookedness ['krukɪdnɪs] nstresses
gen. кривизна; согнутость; извилистость; бесчестность; нечестный поступок; выгиб; выпуклость; изгиб; продажность (в политике или на государственной службе: The Sheriff (...) had the impassive poise of a cigar store Indian and about the same kind of brains. But nobody had ever called him a crook. There had been crooks in his department and they had fooled him as well as they had fooled the public, but none of the crookedness rubbed off on Sheriff Petersen. He just went right on getting elected without even trying, riding white horses at the head of parades, and questioning suspects in front of cameras. (Raymond Chandler) ART Vancouver); излучина; извилина; безобразие; уродливость; заблуждение; развращённость; нечестивость
automat. изогнутость; непрямолинейность; неровность профиля
construct. искривление
Gruzovik, inf. кривина; кривулина; кривуля
Gruzovik, obs. криводушие
mining. искривление (скважины)
O&G интенсивность искривления (ствола скважины как естественный процесс)
O&G, oilfield. искривлённость
O&G, tengiz. перекос
crookedness: 5 phrases in 4 subjects
Oil / petroleum2