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comp., MS zip (To make a single file out of a set of files using a program such as compress, gzip, or PKZIP)
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comp., MS compaction (The process of gathering and packing the currently allocated regions of memory or auxiliary storage into as small a space as possible, so as to create as much continuous free space as possible); compress (To reduce the size of a set of data, such as a file or a communications message, so that it can be stored in less space or transmitted with less bandwidth)
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comp., MS background (In a graphical user interface such as Windows, a pattern or picture in the screen background that can be chosen by the user)
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comp., MS background (In the context of processes or tasks that are part of an operating system or program, operating without interaction with the user while the user is working on another task)
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comp., MS compression (A process for removing redundant data from a digital media file or stream to reduce its size or the bandwidth used)
: 34 phrases in 1 subject

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