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gen. addendum; adjunct; extension; inset; postscript
comp., MS attachment (An external file included with an e-mail message); tab (A clickable UI element designed to look like a tab on a file folder. Tabs are usually arranged horizontally and allow users to switch between related pages or webpages); app (A set of instructions that a computer uses to perform a specific task, such as word processing, accounting, or data management); application (A set of instructions that a computer uses to perform a specific task, such as word processing, accounting, or data management)
ilova kitob, hujjat va b. da n
gen. appendix
Ilova n
comp., MS Attachment (A data type that will provide support for storing binary files within an Access database. More similar to the SharePoint concept of attachments than the current OLE object fields in Access. The data will be stored as a raw blob within the database)
ilova hujjat n
gen. annex
xat, hujjatga ilova n
gen. enclosure
: 28 phrases in 3 subjects
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