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gen. anatomy; architecture; composition; conformation; contexture; economy
comp., MS layout; Hierarchy; outline
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avia. newton
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gen. flowing
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gen. anatomy; architecture; composition; conformation; contexture (літературного твору); economy; fabric; formation; frame; framework; framing; grain (деревини тощо); machinery; ordonnance; organization; pattern; scheme; set-up; state; texture
comp., MS layout (The layout and general resiliency of data across multiple disks in a virtual disk or storage space); Hierarchy (A SmartArt graphic layout type that includes layouts designed to show a hierarchical structure, such as an organization chart, or a decision tree); outline (Worksheet data in which rows or columns of detail data are grouped so that you can create summary reports. The outline can summarize either an entire worksheet or a selected portion of it)
context. authority (Brücke)
ecol. compound
IT architecture (конфігурація); construction
math. structure; lattice
microel. arrangement; array; composite; configuration; pattern (напр. на фотошаблоні)
O&G constitution
VMOH-структура f
microel. V-groove MOS; V-notch MOS
p–i–n-структура f
microel. pin structure
TRIE-структура f
comp. trie (try, reTRIEval)
n–p–n-структура f
microel. n-p-n structure
 Ukrainian thesaurus
структура f
mil., logist. Процес об'єднання основних елементів в певну сукупність місце цих елементів та відношення між ними та сприяння її цілісності та ефективності. (ФР)
структура на
: 62 phrases in 5 subjects
Information technology1
Oil and gas3

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