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gen. basket; burse; canister; hoppet; leap; pottle
comp., MS Recycle Bin
dial. cawl; kipe
| на
avia. newton
| см
gen. centimetre
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gen. basket (прям. і перен.); burse; canister (для хліба, квітів); hoppet; leap; pottle (для ягід); tray (канцелярський дротяний); molly; punnet (для фруктів)
avia. basket
bot. calathide; calathium
comp., MS Recycle Bin (A temporary storage place for deleted files. The user can use it to retrieve files deleted in error. These deleted files are not actually removed from the hard disk until the recycle bin is emptied)
dial. cawl (для риби); kipe (як одиниця міри риби)
inf. willy; windle
irish cleave
"кошик" m
dipl. basket
кошик на
: 4 phrases in 2 subjects
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