втрата | |
gen. | damage; death; deperdition; deprival; deprivation; detriment |
biol. | atrophy |
chess.term. | disadvantage |
context. | casualty |
hunt. | default |
в | |
gen. | at |
й | |
gen. | and |
й | |
gen. | and |
л | |
chem. | liter |
Н | |
avia. | newton |
втрати в : 30 phrases in 13 subjects |
Aerodynamics | 2 |
Astronautics | 3 |
Aviation | 1 |
Construction | 1 |
Ecology | 1 |
Economics | 2 |
Finances | 1 |
General | 2 |
Law | 1 |
Military | 5 |
Oil and gas | 9 |
Production | 1 |
Technology | 1 |