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comp., MS watch (An expression or a variable that appears in the Watch window); follow up (A button on the toolbar that opens the Form Assistant pane, where a user can create a related activity); tracing (The process of capturing and displaying debugging information about a Web page as the page is running. Tracing information includes HTTP headers and control state. You can display trace output in the page or in a separate trace viewer); tracking (The process of viewing and updating the actual progress of tasks so that you can see progress across time, evaluate slippage of tasks, compare scheduled or baseline data to actual data, and check the completion percentage of tasks and your project)
environ. monitoring To check regularly in order to perceive change in some quality or quantity
stat. follow-up
İzleme n
comp., MS Follow Up (A button on the toolbar that opens the Form Assistant pane, where a user can create a related activity)
: 66 phrases in 4 subjects

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