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comp., MS Work
comp., MS job
environ. business
environ. soot
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noun | word form | to phrases
comp., MS job (A series of business activities that when completed will fulfill a high-level objective)
environ. business The activity, position or site associated with commerce or the earning of a livelihood
is n
fire. soot (Yanma (23) süresince veya sonrasında meydana gelen ve biriken parçacık halindeki madde.: Not - İs genellikle organik malzemenin tam yanmaması sonucunda meydana gelen, iyice bölünmüş parçacıklardan, özellikle de karbondan oluşur. TS EN 13943 Natalya Rovina)
İş n
comp., MS Work (A field for a contact's workplace telephone number, typically retrieved automatically from the corporate address book)
is form.
environ. soot Impure black carbon with oily compounds obtained from the incomplete combustion of resinous materials, oils, wood, or coal
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: 9 phrases in 1 subject