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 German thesaurus


abbr., BrE Denial of Service
Do. m
mil. Donnerstag
Dos. f
mil. Dosis
DOS abbr.
abbr., engl. Disc Operating System
abbr., IT Diskettenoperationssystem
Dos. abbr.
abbr. Dosierung
dos. abbr.
abbr. dosieren
DOS abbr.
busin. Disk Operating System
med. Dosieraerosol (дозированный аэрозоль (указ. Dimpassy) см. тж. аббр. DA Guido-Maria-Gabriel)
mil., BrE, IT disk operating system Plattenbetriebssystem
patents. Deutsche Offenlegungsschrift
polym. Dioktylsebazinat
DoS ???? IPsec
: 3 phrases in 1 subject

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