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abbr., auto. wiper
WIP abbr.
abbr. Wildlife Inventory Plan; Women In Power; Work Integrating People; Works In Progress; Weekly Intelligence Production Listing; Weight Improvement Program; Women In Panties; wrought iron pipe
abbr., commun. Wireless IP
abbr., construct. work-in-progress
abbr., el. wafers-in-progress; wireless Internet protocol
abbr., el., scient. Work In Process
abbr., inet. Web Interoperability Pledge
abbr., med. World Institute Of Pain
abbr., med.appl. working in process (Sagoto)
abbr., mil. Work In Progress
abbr., mil., avia. weapon impact point
abbr., nautic., scient. West Indian Preparation
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. work in progress; work in progress (PriceWaterhouseCoopers term)
abbr., oil work in place; water in place; weak initial puff
abbr., space weapon insert panel
abbr., transp. Weather Interactive Program
energ.ind. wage incentive pay; waste immobilization plant
mil. wartime intelligence plan; weapon impact point; weapons installation plan
: 2 phrases in 1 subject

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